Message from @mister
Discord ID: 637135973993676821
I'm in the stuffy break room at work
i was going to say i wouldn't mind being in the city atm
I was writing but I don't like when people look over my shoulder
Still skipping class even at work
just hunch over your book
Occasionally glare at everyone
im sick of the illuminatiam
can someone let me into the illuminati pm
write on your phone and get one of those screen protectors that obscures no direct glances.
Ooooo yes
Those are annoying tho
i want a goth bunny ring
that's the best
i'm not sure when i'll be on next weekend depending
What is this water
but we should sojourn
i thought i circumnavigated it before but I was wrong
fine then
Are you having an adventure
spooky books no re
yeah im sorry aesza can't help
ill direct horror too
it seems to be in the works, mister
how's things with you aez?
I am interest
Any books you recommend?
minecraft stuff
Sifi books