Discord ID: 165704090339246080
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from the 1960s, definitely something that has been thought about by botanists for a long time
havent read it all yet tho
it is troubling to think about, really to grow we must destroy something, plant or animal
often signals passed thru a fungal network are how many plants communicate
although they can release things into the air as signaling too
Minecraft more like MINDcraft
Tummy time
I want my talkbox to ship...
@Dorieus rofl
Vorpal time
If I got any Chinese characters I would get the symbols for the 4 traditional elements
Or I guess 5...
Since its Chinese
Ok with me
ia ia
You can always avoid the future
<a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847> <a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847> <a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847> <a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847> <a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847> <a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847> <a:maybe_ever:634865546550050847>
<:oof:624037229643431956> <:ohmy:619749634943746078>
I guess that is `lyptical`
Ban all roles
Ban all rolls
Ran all boles
shit server
Always trust a semi random generator
t!roll 1d20
That could have been more fun
bbq should people use a bot spam channel?
shit server
Consider checking out our other fine channels:
Dunno why everyone needs to pick on people based on appearance.
Cringe counter cringe
Lemme get this spread
Cheddar 1, cheddar 2, manchego, parmesan, fontina
I dont fuck around
No, I think I ran out
Half and half + 6%
Check this fucker out
No filter, the color just exploded
I love cooking, and I always try to kick it to the next level beyond the last time I cooked it
Slow cooker chicken and dumplings this week
<:euphoria:624037229353893888> <a:stroke3:624033911676338206>
Oooh damn I want to try thise
I fucking destroy tortas and those are like level 2 tortas
My buddy who is part auto mechanic, part opera singer audio engineer, is way better than me at cooking. He is like a savant
He lived in LA for a while
Well, close
ia ia
Final fantasy IX is better
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