Message from @Crippled Cupid
Discord ID: 637392637271474176
Origen saith that the Magical Art doth not contain any thing subsisting, but although it should yet that must not be evil or subject to contempt or scorne; and doth distinguish the Natural Magick from that which is Diabolical.
origen also cut his balls and dick off
As any good occultist does
Was he a eunuch?
by choice, yeah
beyond even a eunuch, eunuch usually keeps the dick
Court Ken Doll
deuteronomy 23:1
**Deuteronomy 23:1 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**
Those Excluded from the Assembly
<1> No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the Lord. ```
@Cursed Court Ken Doll wears an oversized button down shirt, dickies pants, and a tie from the 1980s
this is a relatively common thing in some christian sects
jill that's mean
and I don't appreciate it
@eudaimonia You have good taste.
I'll never understand onara fetishists
I try
Why did Santa Claus fuck my dad
because your dad was a twink and the bear was hungry
This noble science often degenerates, and from Natural becomes Diabolical, from true philosophy turns to Negromancy which is wholly to be charged uppon its followers who abusing or not being capable of that high and mystical knowledge do immediately hearken to the temptations of Sathan, and are misled by him into the study of the black art. Hence it is that Magick lyes under disgrace, and they who seeke after it are vulgarly esteemed Sorcerers. And the fraternity of the Rosy Crucians thought it not fit to stile themselves Magicians, but philosophers, they are not ignorant Empiricks but learned and experienced physicians whose remedies are not only lawfull but divine.
hey uh