Message from @Cooper
Discord ID: 637399945757851724
There's a guy at this coffee shop who makes me really uncomfortable
And he is nice but he's always on my case
And I'm avoiding eye contact because he's going to sit with me
you should prolly
ram ur 13 foot pole
up his pooper
He's this middle aged guy with Asperger's and I enjoy hearing people's stories that's why I come here but this guy takes it too far
He said he wants to take me to his place and show me erotic poetry
But I can't be mean to him
@baluigiWelcome to Xyzygy! For rules and information, please check <#618970630296961035>. There are now **811** members on the server.
what's this can't
He's just a lot
I'm the monke
>middle aged
>works at a coffee shop
>writes erotic poetry
You should send him a server invite hed probly enjoy it here
No he doesn't work here
He's a regular. My friend own this place
I'm nobodies dude
If I look at him he's just going to grill me with personal questions
nothing wrong with my erotic poetry >:[
is this
reiko's harem
>middle aged
>creepily wants you over his place for XXX poetry
this is the @DukeOfPearlDiving checklist
porn captions are hot tbh
you projecting @Cooper
you wish
if I was then I'd be your best bro
<@632677398571384843>Welcome to Xyzygy! For rules and information, please check <#618970630296961035>. There are now **811** members on the server.
u a folie