Message from @Water

Discord ID: 639034493503799317

2019-10-30 09:30:37 UTC  


2019-10-30 09:30:46 UTC  

see ya fag

2019-10-30 09:30:46 UTC  

Climate change is a myth @Ena

2019-10-30 09:31:08 UTC  

OK Boomer

2019-10-30 09:31:12 UTC  

Line up to get shot

2019-10-30 09:31:14 UTC  

i heard ned kelly and his gang of bushrangers disassembled a bend of a railroad track and deliberately made a ruckus planning to have all the coppers get on a train and all die
but the cops were lazy and didnt give a fuck about a whole town basically being taken over as lawless for a while and someone ended up getting awy to tell them to go another way by the time they fianlly rocked up
then the cops shot the shit out of the pub the kelly gang and all the fuckn townsfolk were in

2019-10-30 09:31:50 UTC  

pity cos if itd worked it couldve takena whole fuckn lot of pigs at once

2019-10-30 09:32:10 UTC  

Ned Kelly was no great man

2019-10-30 09:32:28 UTC  

In the end he was just a liar, thief and murderer

2019-10-30 09:32:39 UTC  

Same with Jesse James

2019-10-30 09:33:07 UTC  


2019-10-30 09:33:40 UTC  

Ned Kelly could've been cool

2019-10-30 09:33:44 UTC  

It sounds like people liked him

2019-10-30 09:33:50 UTC  

Who dat

2019-10-30 09:33:57 UTC  

theres a little space between millenials and zoomers i call generation revenge
cos theyre the doomer gen largely and i expect being older than the younguns and far more disillusioned and disgruntled will prolly end up leading the revenge war against the boomers and shit

2019-10-30 09:33:58 UTC  

I'd like to think he's a real folk hero instead of a villain

2019-10-30 09:34:12 UTC  

there's not gonna be a day of the pillow

2019-10-30 09:34:25 UTC  

boomers dying naturally

2019-10-30 09:34:33 UTC  

People love the idea of an outlaw, and yeah it’s cool. But they are bad people

2019-10-30 09:34:47 UTC  


2019-10-30 09:34:55 UTC  


2019-10-30 09:35:52 UTC  

The funny thing about boomers is that all of the current generations will end up having the same exact attitudes juts about different issues and won’t be any better

2019-10-30 09:36:03 UTC  

They will become the new boomers

2019-10-30 09:37:14 UTC

2019-10-30 09:37:27 UTC  

This is the future fashion

2019-10-30 09:38:22 UTC  

I hope future fashion is having my arm cut off and replaced with a laser gun

2019-10-30 09:38:25 UTC  

Looks dope

2019-10-30 09:51:42 UTC  

hmmm do yall reckon if i told my dad where mum and siblings are that could be a good way to hit two birds with one stone
or would it come back to me and get me in trouble?

2019-10-30 09:54:50 UTC  

Depends on the situation

2019-10-30 09:59:00 UTC  

@Shane SO! still convinced freedom is actually a thing?

2019-10-30 10:01:11 UTC  

That doesn’t sound good folie

2019-10-30 10:01:58 UTC  


2019-10-30 10:12:24 UTC  


2019-10-30 10:12:24 UTC  


2019-10-30 10:14:08 UTC  

<@591060134906822668>Welcome to Xyzygy! For rules and information, please check <#618970630296961035>. There are now **840** members on the server.

2019-10-30 10:16:57 UTC  

tbh with the whole 'autism' and 'mental illness' supposed """epidemic""" perhaps the reality is that whats "healthy" reaction and "normal" social cues are *fucking different nowadays, boomer?*
like geez u think a kid is weird cos they don't like chatting loudly with everyone, well we live in a low-trust society full of microphones, cameras, and arbitrary bullshit, with retards like you saying crap out loud, what do you really fuckign expect?

2019-10-30 10:22:45 UTC  

!d bump

2019-10-30 10:22:45 UTC  

2019-10-30 10:22:49 UTC  


2019-10-30 10:22:49 UTC  

💳 | **Dorieus**, **you have a balance of 💴 118903 credits!**

2019-10-30 10:22:53 UTC  
