Teabλg Johnson

Discord ID: 158726883930800128

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you're a literal fucking faggot

@Mitch you're so low on testosterone thanks to all those anime shows you've been watching

it won't be long until you start self mutilation and cut your balls off while deluding yourself into transgenderism and other mental and sexual disorders

continue cumming droplets you literal faggot

i hope you die

@aura are you another homo like him

lmao have fun with AIDS

did you get gay thoughts when uncle tommy started touching you @aura

just a reminder 87% of pedophiles identify as gay or bisexual

he's demonstrating it

@Mitch no wonder it's low t

you're probably 5'1

obese is a more accurate term

reminder that traps are literal trannies, just under a different label

literally a mental disorder

keep covering your insecurity homo

i'm sure you'll off yourself before AIDS does it

you're 90 times more likely to get AIDS from blood donations than sex

stay mad you literal faggot

reminder gays make up 83% of all syphilis cases, but only comprise of 1% of the population\

@Aemon all of these servers are trash ones i joined and muted immediately

the good ones don't have bots because they aren't stupid enough to get tracked

LGB people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse, and deliberate self harm than heterosexual people.

@aura so why don't you hop on the train?

i'm sure these fags miss you in hell

where's the scientific proof for this

reminder the median age of death of fags is 42 (only 9% live past age 65). this drops to 39 if the cause of death is AIDS

@cool-headed logician they want to destroy heterosexuality and everything it stands for

luckily it won't be long before they die anyway

fags are 100 times more likely to be murdered (usually by another fag) than the average person, 25 times more likely to commit suicide, and 19 times more likely to die in a traffic accident

@cool-headed logician chemicals and pedophilia mainly play in faggotry

@Mitch they can't drive for shit

they can't handle basic motor skills hahahahahahah

stay mad homo i'm sure those chemicals are doing well for you

@Mitch Fields, Dr. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.

@aura your dick collapsed to your stomach because you have too much estrogen

gays can't be masculine

>discord for 3 years

@Mitch speaking of that gays are also shittier at parenting

yeah its pedophilia that does this

faggots are so fucked in the brain that even aversion therapy won't work

aversion therapy has worked on patients before

@Carpathid literal white noise

reminder there's no proof homosexuality is genetic

and reminder there's no real evidence that suggests homosexuality isn't a disorder either

can you read

i said there's **no** evidence that says homosexuality **isn't** a disorder

@cool-headed logician or ones that are extremely annoying

i remember a friend of mine who was openly gay

i tried to avoid him as much as i can but he eventually got beheaded thankfully

throw them off the roof

the future generation is fucked

reactionarism is the only way to recover morality

ive beaten up a palestinian faggot before

he wanted my dick

i left him with a broken nose

israel fucks people up

most of the youth don't follow sharia law anymore

technology and westernization fucked them over

@aura did you crush your dick with a cartoonishly oversized anvil and say you're an anime girl

im sure trannies think like that

the albanian one?

fake penises are a trendy thing

@Mitch and they all died

but they made a comeback after pedophilia was getting accepted

@aura nice anecdotals

@Mitch what's this trying to prove

Homosexuals have a long and honourable tradition as culture-bearers, and for fighting for and defending their tribes and later, nations.

such honorable tough PPL!

homosexuals were constantly murdered throughout history which is a good thing

the greeks were literal fags, and they collapsed for a reason

they used to wash their clothes with their own urines

the past people didn't know shit

they tried out anything that made them feel good

and this is no new thing

yes, they didn't know shit

i thought that was apparent enough

and are also responsible for faggotry

i'm not white because my brain is actually functioning

my ancestors hated gays and constantly killed and purged them out of my land

it is nothing new

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