Message from @Reidlos Narret.
Discord ID: 640600592263413780
Where did u post @Deleted User
just like your heart amanda
And totally resistant to mold
asshole too yesterday
@mandeezy lol was i talking to you fucking whore
Is that emojis
your moms a whore
That ice cream won’t melt
My moms dying thank you very much
Once I ashed in an ancient McFlurry
And it burst into flames
Why tf do i not have a tag lol
you have to get one
highly flammable
post pp and I'll give you one
Why am i huwhite
cus ur a faggot
because you're a Wh*toid
Im so fucking cold holy shit
yeah i'm sitting by a heater
stop being cold
dark and raining like every day
Let’s raid servers saying birb
And just spam that image
@mandeezy holy shit fuck off stop fucking talking to me i hope a pack of niggers rape you
Fuck off
you little worm
So fucking annoying