Message from @steakhim

Discord ID: 485121204953415691

2018-08-31 13:18:10 UTC  

Are they still targeting me?

2018-08-31 13:21:27 UTC  


2018-08-31 13:22:03 UTC  

@Hippo invite me to the server

2018-08-31 13:22:27 UTC  

it's dead af

2018-08-31 13:22:52 UTC  

@Hippo still invite

2018-08-31 13:50:28 UTC  

@k3rn£lp4n1ck is this jdm ?

2018-08-31 13:51:16 UTC  
2018-08-31 13:52:37 UTC  
2018-08-31 13:56:23 UTC  

looksm like you got jdm here yoo

2018-08-31 15:41:50 UTC  

@Deleted User wtf did u spam

2018-08-31 15:41:55 UTC  

What's wrong with u

2018-08-31 15:42:51 UTC  

@Youri he spammed my dms worse bruh lmao

2018-08-31 15:47:40 UTC  

if you think about it the real reason you shouldn’t watch porn is because its the laziest visual medium out there, let me explain:
First the narrative of every porno ends at the climax, that is extremely lazy storytelling and a cop out in my honest opinion. The medium relies way too heavily on the classic pay off. It’s almost like watching Marvel movies at this point. You know the “good” guys (in this case the sex having protagonists) are going to win, so why bother? Sure, some xXx cinema tries to remedy this with a post climax epilogue. However, these attempts at epilogues are always rushed and nonsensical. So, now the guy’s just going leave? She’ll just eat the pizza alone? You expect me to believe that movie? Stop insulting my intelligence. These characters clearly liked each other, why wouldn’t they want to spend 30 more minutes together. Is this a poor attempt at commentary about the difficulty of forming genuine connections between people? Then why is that the plot of literally hundreds of pornos? Is this really such a discussion worthy topic? Why was this apparent theme not hinted at during any of the other scenes? Porn movies feel like they’ve been directed by one person, shot by another and finally edited by someone hired at the last minute. They need to be viewed like a ransom note put together from newspaper lettering, it’s extremely frustrating.
Secondly, these films rely way too heavily on the action scenes. We get it; stunts are cool and it’s ok if you enjoy movies like the Transformers or Jack Reacher, but personally I prefer my action scenes to be the logical result of something happening before it. Film needs sensible flow and an internal logic to function. A seemingly honourable police officer would never risk losing his badge to fulfil his primal urges. You might be tempted to call this sort of porn of a work of absurdist humour...

2018-08-31 15:49:09 UTC  

Jej ain't reading that wall

2018-08-31 16:02:08 UTC  

What’s this?

2018-08-31 16:13:22 UTC  

ay wat did i miss

2018-08-31 16:14:00 UTC  

I agree. However, i must disagree with the whole action scene part. The comparisons between a porno and transformers can't really be made. Yes there are two protagonists, one attractive man and one attractive woman but, there is no antagonist. No Megatron for our heroes to fight. In porn it is clearly a drama, not an action flick. There is only one subject and two predicates that dictates the outcome, contrary to Transformers in which there is are polysubjects that doesn't get directly affected by a pre-determined predicate.

2018-08-31 16:14:07 UTC  

@Deleted User damn nova thats quite a research on porn youdid

2018-08-31 16:17:09 UTC  

@Hippo That could be an arguement made, but not all porn scenes involve two consensual protagonists. In some films there is a power play between the protagonist/s and the antagonist/s in achieving there goal (that being sex) There is also sometimes involvement of a third individual, such as the husband/wife they are cheating on, that they have to overcome to reach there sexual climax with the illicit lover. So it can be compared to an action flick.

2018-08-31 16:18:06 UTC  

But there is simply no action, there is drama. But no action. There is not any gun violence or explosions

2018-08-31 16:18:28 UTC  

@Hippo you watch the wrong pornos

2018-08-31 16:18:50 UTC  

However that being said, i am only referring to the classical meaning of a porno

2018-08-31 16:19:20 UTC  

Where hundreds, if not billions of clones have been made

2018-08-31 16:20:07 UTC  

To simply akin action to gun violence is silly to say the least, there is many other examples of other forms of violence such as domestic abuse, rape and in some aspects bondage. You could also compare the "explosion" to the ejaculation of the male. It may not be a traditional sense of an action movie, but it does indeed contain action.

2018-08-31 16:20:30 UTC  

Thus not comparable to an action flick

2018-08-31 16:21:05 UTC  

An action flick has to have over the top violence to be called an action flick

2018-08-31 16:21:16 UTC  

Maybe not in a direct sense, but it does have the essence and theme of said action movies. You are being too close minded and unable to compare between different mediums.

2018-08-31 16:21:16 UTC  

Lmaao jesus

2018-08-31 16:21:21 UTC  

Else it would be called a thriller

2018-08-31 16:21:32 UTC  

Thriller != action movie

2018-08-31 16:22:08 UTC  

There is violence and rape in a sense of something more human like rape and murder, but no classical action movie tropes such as battles and exploisions

2018-08-31 16:22:53 UTC  

bye guys

2018-08-31 16:23:05 UTC  

@steakhim bye tech support

2018-08-31 16:23:13 UTC  


2018-08-31 16:24:24 UTC  

Sexual intercourse could be compared to a "battle" as it is a struggle between dominance of the two parties, you are trying to push an agenda that if it doesn't contain guns or explosions then it isn't an action movie which is flat out wrong. In my opinion, if it contains action it is indeed an action movie.

2018-08-31 16:25:07 UTC  

It is not an "action flick" tho

2018-08-31 16:25:31 UTC

2018-08-31 16:25:51 UTC  

if you look at these movies they all share a common trope of over the top action

2018-08-31 16:30:24 UTC  

Maze runner fuk dat

2018-08-31 16:31:08 UTC  

@Hippo To post an arbitary list and say that an action flick must contain these items is a illogical arguement. According to a trustable source the definition of an action movie is: Action film is a film genre in which the protagonist or protagonists are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include violence, extended fighting, physical feats, and frantic chases.
So by going off this defintion a porno could fit the premise of an action flick. As pornos have violence as stated before, and they have physical feats (obviously).

2018-08-31 16:31:26 UTC  

So in conclusion pornos definitely are in general, action flicks