Message from @thebl1ndseer

Discord ID: 650137131808718880

2019-11-30 00:51:40 UTC  

pollen skeet

2019-11-30 00:51:41 UTC  

@sky daddy lol nigga you don’t even test them?

2019-11-30 00:51:41 UTC  

Yes, good ol tree nut

2019-11-30 00:51:45 UTC  

maple syrup isn't tree jizz?

2019-11-30 00:51:46 UTC  

You gotta be careful around white girls when mercury is in Gatorade, they get paranoid

2019-11-30 00:51:47 UTC  

"Do you seriously study the Kabala-"

2019-11-30 00:51:52 UTC  

No, 5E is trash

2019-11-30 00:52:00 UTC  

>mercury in gatorade

2019-11-30 00:52:03 UTC  

no i dont test them if a girl starts talkin astrology to me then i know we gon hit it off

2019-11-30 00:52:10 UTC  

5e is garbage

2019-11-30 00:52:11 UTC  

Guys that are “into astrology” confirmed date rapists

2019-11-30 00:52:19 UTC  

play pathfinder or 3.5e

2019-11-30 00:52:19 UTC  

only scorpios and geminis

2019-11-30 00:52:25 UTC  

birthday rapists

2019-11-30 00:52:31 UTC  

if you sprinkled mercury dust into your gatorade would it make your iq higher?

2019-11-30 00:52:31 UTC  

system was already chosen i aint changing it just to tweak my character

2019-11-30 00:52:33 UTC  

Breeki yare after my own heart there

2019-11-30 00:52:39 UTC  

so instead

2019-11-30 00:52:47 UTC  

ygonna try to make a meme character

2019-11-30 00:52:49 UTC  

surprise sex present

2019-11-30 00:52:51 UTC  


2019-11-30 00:52:52 UTC  

This is what the perfect personality looks like

2019-11-30 00:52:57 UTC  

@Lucipher it would be very painful

2019-11-30 00:53:06 UTC  


2019-11-30 00:53:23 UTC  

@lilison often the most intelligent people suffer the most.

2019-11-30 00:53:26 UTC  

four blue mana

2019-11-30 00:53:35 UTC  

can you pick what sort of dog a girl likes and how often she has sex with it with astrology

2019-11-30 00:53:38 UTC  

who's is that natal chart?

2019-11-30 00:53:41 UTC  

@Lucipher it’s too bad you just suffer anyway :/

2019-11-30 00:53:45 UTC  
2019-11-30 00:53:48 UTC  

Dick world's ye

2019-11-30 00:53:49 UTC  

@0099 yes

2019-11-30 00:53:50 UTC  

this person may be psyc oh sorry

2019-11-30 00:53:51 UTC  

Fuck no. Pluto conjunct the ascendant? Run away from that person

2019-11-30 00:53:51 UTC  


2019-11-30 00:53:53 UTC  

you psycho

2019-11-30 00:53:56 UTC  

@0099 foyeah they're called white girls

2019-11-30 00:54:01 UTC  

You can do literally anything based on what the stars tell you <:smugpepe:619749634402942998>

2019-11-30 00:54:03 UTC  

@sky daddy Can this be the newest Xyz slogan?
'With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"'

2019-11-30 00:54:08 UTC  

Let's all go to <:Dixie:365961613922140162>

2019-11-30 00:54:11 UTC  

s-stop calling me psycho <:pissed:640245029238997005> <:pissed:640245029238997005> <:pissed:640245029238997005> <:pissed:640245029238997005>