Message from @Thuring

Discord ID: 650770926601764887

2019-12-01 18:49:33 UTC  

They turn to traditionalism as a result. It's a transference thing I think

2019-12-01 18:49:37 UTC  

It is very human

2019-12-01 18:49:50 UTC  

And I can understand what could lead them to feel that way

2019-12-01 18:50:03 UTC  

u guys are modern culture and normies

2019-12-01 18:50:06 UTC  

the sheeple

2019-12-01 18:50:10 UTC  

They don't like to admit it, but turning to traditionalism is just a form of tribalism

2019-12-01 18:50:14 UTC  

@Thuring lolwut

2019-12-01 18:50:18 UTC  

It is

2019-12-01 18:50:27 UTC  

Again though, there are reasons people turn to these thingd

2019-12-01 18:50:31 UTC  

Well yeah, for every action there's a reaction. This culture is one of the more sizable, modern reactions

2019-12-01 18:50:43 UTC  

TIL I'm sheeple

2019-12-01 18:50:47 UTC  


2019-12-01 18:50:53 UTC  


2019-12-01 18:50:53 UTC  

better let our ethnicity die and bring in the 3rd world blood amirite

2019-12-01 18:51:06 UTC  

>our ethnicity

2019-12-01 18:51:06 UTC  

Eh, we're all human here

2019-12-01 18:51:09 UTC  

nigger wut

2019-12-01 18:51:10 UTC  

Or are we

2019-12-01 18:51:11 UTC  

let the blues handle it

2019-12-01 18:51:14 UTC  


2019-12-01 18:51:19 UTC  

@kore_khthonia lolwut what? I meant every word

2019-12-01 18:51:30 UTC  

holy shit u guys are cringy modernists

2019-12-01 18:51:46 UTC  

Notice how they consistently present you with a A or B paradigm

2019-12-01 18:51:46 UTC  

I do apologize @Thuring . It's not like me to debate with people like this.

2019-12-01 18:51:50 UTC  

Post modernist

2019-12-01 18:51:51 UTC  

watch some more netflix today

2019-12-01 18:51:51 UTC  

it's cringe if you actually care if people have kids or not

2019-12-01 18:52:02 UTC  

Normally I'm more conflict avoidant than that

2019-12-01 18:52:15 UTC  

I'd rather have liberals and such not having kids tbh

2019-12-01 18:52:18 UTC  

ok libertarian retard

2019-12-01 18:52:34 UTC  

>our ethnicity
nigga I'd say less than half the people here are fully white

2019-12-01 18:52:36 UTC  

ya thuring u may be right

2019-12-01 18:52:47 UTC  

So my 10 kids have more space to grow and less stupids to kill

2019-12-01 18:52:59 UTC  

Eh, my path is my own. And kids aren't a part of that. Marriage is tho

2019-12-01 18:53:22 UTC  

whats the best career type for having lots of kids

2019-12-01 18:53:32 UTC  

comp science

2019-12-01 18:53:34 UTC  


2019-12-01 18:53:34 UTC  

does moad have a life

2019-12-01 18:54:02 UTC  

yes comp sci right

2019-12-01 18:54:07 UTC  

Do you have a life? Or a life has you?

2019-12-01 18:54:08 UTC  

Idk I'm a marketer by profession lol