Message from @Alucardxft

Discord ID: 649071444499890187

2019-11-26 23:54:45 UTC  

just that she posted her dumb guns

2019-11-26 23:54:47 UTC  

her drugs

2019-11-26 23:55:08 UTC  

later she got a message from the police about her drug shit

2019-11-26 23:55:15 UTC  

and I made jokes about how your going to jail

2019-11-26 23:55:17 UTC  

eventually she did

2019-11-26 23:55:20 UTC  

because she never posted here again

2019-11-26 23:55:56 UTC  

nigga ass nigga ass

2019-11-26 23:58:28 UTC  


2019-11-27 00:10:00 UTC  

Can I be mod

2019-11-27 00:19:55 UTC  

@卐 kike_killer 卐 no because you're posting in here and not in <#618965202402017318>

2019-11-27 01:19:06 UTC  

@FakkuBastard.jpeg When you're put into a particular state of consciousness over and over again, you eventually find a way to manage it, or build up a "tolerance" to it. Seems like a rather simple explanation but that's generally how it is.

2019-11-27 01:20:04 UTC  

If you've experienced sleep paralysis as frequently as you've described, the inner you has spent just as much time dissecting the phenomenon.

2019-11-27 01:21:18 UTC  

As far as sleep paralysis itself is concerned, it is generally a precursor to astral projection.

2019-11-27 01:23:13 UTC  

Your spirit *wakes up*, for lack of better terms, inside your body--but it isn't out. Results in paralysis. Oftentimes, you'll be able to see through your eyelids or from a certain angle even though it would appear that your eyes are closed, or that you're not laying at the proper angle to see from the perspective you're seeing.

2019-11-27 01:24:22 UTC  

When you experience paralysis, try relaxing and envisioning your body as though it's a bright and shining flame. Focus on the sensation, and don't try to move your limbs as you know them.

2019-11-27 01:24:51 UTC  

It's like a Chinese finger trap. The more you tug, or try to send inputs to your physical body, the more locked up you'll feel.

2019-11-27 01:27:14 UTC  

Fall into the sensation, and this will eventually result in you 'popping out', or drifting upward.

2019-11-27 02:17:32 UTC  

They may, hopefully more will before the tribulation. Some are already repenting and have repentance within them. May a few at least turn before it turns to havoc. Once the fullness of the gentiles is brought in, the blindness put on Jews from He will be uplifted.

2019-11-27 02:17:45 UTC  

More pics.

2019-11-27 02:18:01 UTC

2019-11-27 02:18:11 UTC

2019-11-27 02:18:27 UTC

2019-11-27 05:12:57 UTC  

*Once the fullness of the gentiles is brought in, the blindness put on Jews from He will be uplifted.*

2019-11-27 05:13:36 UTC  

Yeah sure, after they've been allowed to coat the world with their orwellian tendrils 😩

2019-11-27 16:02:05 UTC  

Won't happen, permanently.

2019-11-27 17:00:46 UTC  

Well, I certainly dont believe it will be permanent, but they're at the very least on board and quite influential with a program that's arresting and collapsing the majority of the civilized world. There will be more considerable damage done to the beneficial course of human history as they continue to abuse their influence.

2019-11-27 17:03:59 UTC  

The rampant atheism and dysgenic consequences of arrested development, for which all defense mechanisms have been entirely disabled, have blown a hole in the proverbial brain of the developed world. Im of the opinion that we are scheduled to sink into a spiritual dark age if things continue the way they're headed.

2019-11-27 17:08:14 UTC  

We've already passed our chance to fix things at this point. As soon as man thinks of himself as bigger than his creator, everything goes to shit.

2019-11-27 17:08:42 UTC  

I'm just ready for something to happen, all this waiting is boring

2019-11-27 17:08:45 UTC  

💯 💯

2019-11-27 17:29:41 UTC  

Well, when something goes large scale to shit, it generally happens in pockets and increments. When the Roman Empire collapsed, there were many who had yet to have the slightest clue about it. We're witnessing pockets of the developed world succumb and disintegrate into third world conditions; the civilizational bubbles 'shrinks' as the disease spreads, waxing and waning to whatever degree it must before finally succumbing.

2019-11-27 17:30:41 UTC  

The threshold will only be reached when realization kicks in, but everyone's still too comfortable for that tbh.

2019-11-27 17:32:32 UTC  

I feel like there's hope spiritually. I don't blame atheism per se, because I see it as a legitimate conclusion someone could arrive at. But those questions that lead there still need to be confronted

2019-11-27 17:32:44 UTC  

Society as it is now breeds a lot of alienation

2019-11-27 17:33:08 UTC  

I'm obviously not an atheist per se lol

2019-11-27 17:33:32 UTC  

+++ Yes, sure. I don't necessarily have an issue with atheism as a transitional belief, or if it's present within a person and so on.

2019-11-27 17:33:38 UTC  

A lot of people default to atheism because they see hardcore Christianity as the only other option

2019-11-27 17:33:50 UTC  

And don't have any real understanding of other faiths or systems

2019-11-27 17:33:54 UTC  

The problem is that it's a symptom of existential dread and developmental decline.

2019-11-27 17:34:05 UTC  

You read any ernest becker

2019-11-27 17:34:06 UTC  

And once it sets in to the population, it will exacerbate the problem.