Message from @The Big Oof
Discord ID: 524439862250569728
*I preffer the term*
Can we have a separatist role?
@ESwordofLORD👼 that sounds autistic.
Like not in a rude way, it's like something my autistic brother would want to do
@The Big Oof "5. Do not clutter up **general** with off-topic shit posts. When no conversation exists or if the post is related, you can post whatever you feel like."
Too hard to enforce at this point @Scipio Americanus
I made a serious only channel in its place
Rules editing time
@The Big Oof you still use the word "general" is what i was pointing out, nothing big
Oh yeah, you changed it to "cesspool"
Just edited
Rule seems arbitrary now
Sounds like you'll ban someone for not doing so
Rule pages should be small.
Not everything needs to be written directly in them, or else nobody will read
Also, nobody is getting banned unless they spam
Having too many rules is also gay
In addition to nobody reading them
Threatening consequences for small shitposts in the serious channel is like a cop threatening to arrest you for littering.
@Josh42A No consequences, just deletes
Consequences would be gay
Yeah well it was threatened.
Where? I'll change the wording.
Not in rules
In the channel
@Josh42A Alright, how do you feel about it now?
Looks good to me.
hey guys
if you have any ideas for how political parties in this server would work, post them here
No guarantee I will implement them, but I am considering it
its a nationalist server, so perhaps civic vs nationalist vs [words that don't currently exist]. I wouldn't say civic nationalist is quite reflected in Heinlein's "Starship Troopers", just to name an example. So this system probably wont work, but its an idea to work with at least
also why is there a Voice chat and "Casual"?
It's just an experiment, move along
And use Casual if you want a casual talk with many people joining
okay, just curious [i can't actually use voice rn due to technical difficulties anyway]