Message from @💧HisoMachi💖

Discord ID: 318538650184974337

2017-05-28 21:49:51 UTC  

It's @nobody

2017-05-28 21:50:20 UTC  

He picks out my pfp

2017-05-28 21:50:45 UTC  

@Frausing nothing. Just bored and wondering why you were here

2017-05-28 21:55:28 UTC  

Existentially or as shitposter?

2017-05-28 22:28:44 UTC  


2017-05-28 22:39:35 UTC  

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

2017-05-28 22:40:42 UTC  

Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.…Matthew 7

2017-05-28 23:20:50 UTC  


2017-05-28 23:33:17 UTC

2017-05-28 23:36:54 UTC  

Is that thing connected to a working landline?

2017-05-28 23:37:25 UTC  

That thing's an antique at this point

2017-05-28 23:37:58 UTC  

it works!

2017-05-28 23:38:17 UTC  


2017-05-28 23:47:23 UTC  


2017-05-28 23:51:51 UTC  


2017-05-28 23:53:43 UTC  


2017-05-28 23:55:16 UTC  

I'm not a ho

2017-05-28 23:56:05 UTC  

...Because that's what I meant

2017-05-28 23:56:18 UTC  


2017-05-28 23:58:02 UTC  

Besides it's hoe not ho, if you want to call someone a cheap skank

2017-05-28 23:58:52 UTC  

@Frausing you're cute

2017-05-28 23:59:32 UTC  


2017-05-29 00:00:40 UTC  

Yeah I mean it too

2017-05-29 00:00:48 UTC  


2017-05-29 00:00:58 UTC  

Thanks I guess XD

2017-05-29 00:01:03 UTC  

Lol no problem

2017-05-29 00:05:03 UTC  

Should probably get some sleep though

2017-05-29 00:05:44 UTC  

It's 2 in the morning and I have to be up at 6

2017-05-29 00:06:48 UTC  

O no

2017-05-29 00:09:04 UTC  

Insomnia and summer heat is the best mix ever

2017-05-29 00:12:31 UTC  

I have no caption for this

2017-05-29 00:22:09 UTC  

Cute pic

2017-05-29 00:23:01 UTC  

Too tired to come up with a good caption though

2017-05-29 00:40:28 UTC  


2017-05-29 00:40:47 UTC  


2017-05-29 00:41:10 UTC  

Imma pass out now

2017-05-29 01:35:38 UTC  

Haha and cute!!

2017-05-29 01:50:39 UTC  

Lol thank you

2017-05-29 06:05:10 UTC  


2017-05-29 06:05:14 UTC

2017-05-29 16:37:58 UTC