Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 521702230299246594
With that one guy
I pissed off a guy very hard in pubg
he was canadian
cause i said N I G
fuck me
I've legit had my server up since discord began
I wish you could play with my friend and I
and have no philter
no bot
and i've never had any issues
crack my sack like in the gif
make me beg no
Which other game should I get
for xbox?
get red dead
idk I hate xbox you shouldve bought a ps4
I’m gonna get that on Boxing Day
My sister is getting a PS4
PS4 is better for single player experiences
Xbox has the master chief collection
Halo hasn't been relevant in years
That's because of 343 industries @Deleted User
it's generally agreed that they make shit games
games still irrelevant xbox still holds very little in why you should buy it over ps4
xbox will also have a better anti cheat though comp games are better on xbox
for sure
Not really
Yes really
I have legit 12000 hours in cod4
and am actually semi pro
Relevancy doesn't necessarily determine how good a game is on its own
I've met 4 cheaters on consoler
As long as the service is delivered
and the playerbase is there
k talk about how its not really better for comp games and anti cheat .
Oh, I wasn't talking about that