Message from @smiley boy
Discord ID: 534819499401281537
Remember the orc migrant memes
That was fun
Oh orc posting is still a thing
thought that died out
It did. Mainstream Media is just slow
Still tho
But now they're giving people incentives to start it again
soke quality stuff
Orcposting 2 Electric Boogaloo
Remember the riots that happened durrying the elections
those were fun
based stickman and all that
Good times
good times
Oh my god
remember fashwave
Some people occasionally make it. But it more or less died out
Hey @The Big Oof
I’ve been behaving
Can I go back to normal chat now
wake me up when the race war starts, otherwise, dont care
it's the old jesuit 1-2
prop up negros to such a violent frothing frenzy they cause a government shutdown , then have the chinese invade and play the role of parent
Hey blood money
You consider yourself a fascist?
I'm not of this world or anything in it, especially your titles and franchises
I’m not part of this world either
not anymore
Used to be
@BLooD_MoNeY I always wanted to know is bf5 actually a good game