Message from @Cole

Discord ID: 244273939650445312

2016-11-05 01:28:33 UTC  


2016-11-05 01:28:48 UTC  

<:hboxB:237708254405328896> <:hboxA:237708254996594688> <:hboxAIR:237708255537790976>

2016-11-05 01:28:59 UTC  

And... I love me some white women right now.

2016-11-05 01:29:07 UTC  

you watchin summit?

2016-11-05 01:29:18 UTC  

So that's a no on the battlefield from everyone, ok

2016-11-05 01:30:11 UTC  

im glad there's been these videos that repzions been making about eating disorders recently tbh, i have one myself and i'm glad more people are discussing them. i don't talk here often lmao but yeah

2016-11-05 01:31:26 UTC  

i always got the vibe that it was just something to not talk about? almost like taboo or something so yeah

2016-11-05 01:34:26 UTC  
2016-11-05 01:34:36 UTC  

you're not the player soft are you

2016-11-05 01:35:53 UTC  


2016-11-05 01:36:19 UTC  

@Repzion just regarding your video, I've found that being involved in a passion or hobby seems to help confidence. Just in my experience ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2016-11-05 01:36:41 UTC  

i dont really play melee competitively

2016-11-05 01:36:42 UTC  

oh the puff love with the name soft

2016-11-05 01:36:49 UTC  

is how i put that together

2016-11-05 01:36:55 UTC  

i play smash 4

2016-11-05 01:36:57 UTC  

I just started playing it competitvely

2016-11-05 01:37:01 UTC  

smash 4

2016-11-05 01:37:03 UTC  

really nigga

2016-11-05 01:37:16 UTC  

i broke hbox's shield with puff in smash 4

2016-11-05 01:37:25 UTC  

on stream

2016-11-05 01:37:25 UTC  


2016-11-05 01:37:46 UTC  

i like melee better

2016-11-05 01:37:47 UTC  

in tourney?

2016-11-05 01:38:08 UTC  

on his stream

2016-11-05 01:39:06 UTC  

if i had the time to play melee i would

2016-11-05 01:39:08 UTC  

but i dont

2016-11-05 01:39:45 UTC  

that breaks shield so easily?

2016-11-05 01:39:50 UTC  

i swear!!!

2016-11-05 01:40:03 UTC  

pound breaks shield in smash 4

2016-11-05 01:40:14 UTC  

My niggly

2016-11-05 01:40:48 UTC  

i went to CEO

2016-11-05 01:40:58 UTC  

but i didnt do that good

2016-11-05 01:41:12 UTC  

only offline tourney i ever joined

2016-11-05 01:41:25 UTC  

i took a selfie with hbox tho

2016-11-05 01:41:51 UTC  

i lost to pewpewu in smash 4...

2016-11-05 01:42:39 UTC  


2016-11-05 01:42:52 UTC  

wait does it instantly break shield

2016-11-05 01:44:07 UTC  


2016-11-05 01:44:29 UTC  

its gotta be like

2016-11-05 01:44:33 UTC  

half the shield left

2016-11-05 01:49:37 UTC  

Does anyone know who Peachewi is?