Message from @Sebastian Lawe

Discord ID: 256353362088296448

2016-12-08 09:29:53 UTC  

Dogmatic behavior isn't exactly sutble.

2016-12-08 09:30:03 UTC  

and the people watching just agree, and ignore the good parts

2016-12-08 09:30:30 UTC  

It rather annoys me when a person gives an opinion without explaining why their opinion is the way it is.

2016-12-08 09:30:30 UTC  

Yes, the game is flawed, but it doesn't suck

2016-12-08 09:31:08 UTC  

If it's not their opinion, then of course they can't explain why that is the case.

2016-12-08 09:31:40 UTC  

They just vomit back up the words they heard

2016-12-08 09:31:55 UTC  

Yeah, basically.

2016-12-08 09:32:08 UTC  

Some people will give an opinion based on their experience, and still not explain their basis for why.

2016-12-08 09:32:14 UTC  

It's like they have a hand up their ass and talk like a puppet

2016-12-08 09:32:21 UTC  

Or reject anything that doesn't match their experience.

2016-12-08 09:33:20 UTC  

@Sebastian Lawe I admit I've done that before, I might do it and not realize it, but when I realize it or it's pointed out I can try my best to not do that again

2016-12-08 09:33:26 UTC  

Still tribalism behavior. Just you're then looking one of the tribal leaders.

2016-12-08 09:33:56 UTC  

Some like to be the head of the pack, but still create a belief system that is rigid and dogmatic.

2016-12-08 09:34:33 UTC  

Or, their experiences they have themselves are simply being warped to fit a predefined set of dogma.

2016-12-08 09:34:46 UTC  

If there was a way to get rid of the Tribalistic behavior, we could put an end to lots of things

2016-12-08 09:34:52 UTC  

We see that all the time with SJWs distorting events to suit their narrative.

2016-12-08 09:35:24 UTC  

but in Evolution, we had the behavior hardwired into our consciousness

2016-12-08 09:35:41 UTC  

Like calling something harassment when someone simply criticized an opinion they had.

2016-12-08 09:35:52 UTC  


2016-12-08 09:36:29 UTC  

or someone defending something that has flaws and they don't admit it when it's pointed out

2016-12-08 09:36:44 UTC  

The tribalistic behaviour, to its credit, is why we've even survived as a species. Looking to one pack leader that you follow makes the ability to direct people around very convenient.

2016-12-08 09:36:50 UTC  

Pointing out real flaws is considered a threat to them. that makes them very hostile.

2016-12-08 09:37:12 UTC  


2016-12-08 09:37:51 UTC  

I don't defend games or anything blindly

2016-12-08 09:37:57 UTC  

I admit it has flaws

2016-12-08 09:38:39 UTC  

And I just say I like the game even though the flaws are existiant

2016-12-08 09:39:42 UTC  

and I just respect their opinion

2016-12-08 09:40:22 UTC  

I only get mad when someone says I can't hold that opinion or they try anything to convince me my opinion is wrong

2016-12-08 09:40:43 UTC  

Also... one thing you see is very common in these kinds of people is that their concept of theory of mind is extremely underdeveloped, if not outright broken.
Theory of mind is your ability to recognized that your own thoughts and perceptions of the world are unique to you and that other people have their own unique perception and will not necessarily think and observe what you do.
People with tribalistic behavior generally cannot excersize this ability as well as other people can and often are unable to comprehend that there are other points of view than their own.

This is why you see, for instance, SJWs accusing people of doing exactly what they are actually doing. Because in their perspective, the way they think and the things they know are the only possible ways to do so, so when they look at the *opposing side* they form a conclusion on what they are doing based on what they would do themselves with that information, just with the details swapped because it's the opposing side. They do this because they can't comprehend that there are other points of view and other lines of thought.

2016-12-08 09:41:41 UTC  


2016-12-08 09:42:05 UTC  

That's why their myth about the patrairchy is exactly what they're doing themselves. That's why their narrative on rape culture (which to them is rape of women only) is actually exactly what they think about the rape of men.

2016-12-08 09:42:44 UTC  

Because it's exactly what they would do, therefore it must be exactly what anyone else would do because there is no other way of thinking as far as they're concerned.

2016-12-08 09:43:32 UTC  

Games can suck because of developers having bad ideas.

2016-12-08 09:44:06 UTC  

or Fans having many ideas developers can't all implement

2016-12-08 09:44:09 UTC  

or both

2016-12-08 09:44:34 UTC  

The bigger problem can be that developers arent able to let go of bad ideas and start from scratch.

2016-12-08 09:44:52 UTC  

that 2

2016-12-08 09:45:09 UTC  

There's many factors to why people can like or hate a game

2016-12-08 09:46:00 UTC  

but some people always like to have it split between the "Your either with us or against us"

2016-12-08 09:46:46 UTC  

That kind of Mentality causes people to hate any game no matter what good qualities it has

2016-12-08 09:47:13 UTC  

it's Tribalistic