Message from @eiron

Discord ID: 264137770451075073

2016-12-29 21:03:39 UTC  

Scheduled to be released on September 23, 2010!

Do not put out the Shota 's light! Following the Pico series, the long-awaited Shota animation is a large long-selling original "Shonen Maid Couroro"! Maid in Shota 'Tsundere' protagonist 'Kuro-kun' and master of the large conglomerate 'Shiratoruin Mies'' s slapstick Erotic love comedy! Pikoshi also appeared as a guest at the privilege 'Pico Cloth 4 Coma Theater Complete Edition' with guests! The staffs of the Pico series gathered together! stay tuned! It is!

2016-12-29 21:03:58 UTC  

■ Pikoshi Tsukiko - Shota Idol's Oshigoto -
■ List price 5800 yen (excluding tax)
■ Genre: Pikachi Tachikori Kikori Riding afternoon tea
■ Cast: Piko · ち こ · く ん く ん · Grandfather · お 姉 さ ん
You became a day manager of Shota Idol "Pikachi Tachiko" from a very long time. Contents of work are to take care of the two of them until the completion of the DVD work "Bokuno Piko" "Pikoshi Tsukiko"! The long-awaited! It is the emergence of Picotko PC game! I really kept you waiting! ※ Please sell, sell, comment on this product · inquiry to the manufacturer "Tin chalking" to this product.

2016-12-29 21:04:14 UTC  

5800 Japanese Yen equals
49.7163 US Dollar

2016-12-29 21:04:58 UTC  

@Deleted User can u repeat what he says

2016-12-29 21:05:11 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:05:16 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:05:17 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:06:05 UTC  

@Deleted User The Narrator is cute

2016-12-29 21:06:29 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:06:57 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:07:11 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:07:25 UTC  

@Cybiscus i never had a female friend, do u want anything from me, may i be your slve

2016-12-29 21:07:25 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:08:08 UTC  

@eiron i want a small loan of a million dollars

2016-12-29 21:08:45 UTC  

i have a minecraft account

2016-12-29 21:08:49 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:08:51 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:09:06 UTC  

i actually have 2

2016-12-29 21:09:09 UTC  
2016-12-29 21:09:11 UTC  
2016-12-29 21:09:13 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:09:16 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:09:17 UTC  
2016-12-29 21:09:31 UTC  
2016-12-29 21:10:06 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:10:12 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:10:19 UTC  

I'm a gold digger, digging for dat gold
I'm the master of the ingot, dat's what I been told
Got a room full of nuggets and a little pet pig
Golden ore by the buckets, but still I'm gonna dig
Gold digger

My inventories full of that shinny golden stuff
but I'm diggin yet again cuz I just can't get enough
Golden apples, golden boots, the golden sword I swing
Golden helmet, golden hoe, golden everything!

If I'm threatened by a zombie and he tries to take my ore
I'll kill him with my shovel, a golden one of course
I'm kinda like obsessed with that yellow stuff you see
I want it here, I want it now, I want it all for me

I'm diggin in the caves and I'm digging all around
If there's a golden block down there then it will soon be found
I'll take it to my mansion, my fortress to behold
You guessed it right, you win the prize, of course it's made of gold!

I'm a gold digger, digging for dat gold
I'm the master of the ingot, dat's what I been told
Got a room full of nuggets and a little pet pig
Golden ore by the buckets, but still I'm gonna dig
Gold digger

So I'm on my way to dig again when suddenly I see
A zombie pig man up ahead just behind that tree
He's probably got a nugget and few more other items
It's gonna be and easy score I guess I'll have to fight 'em

They say a girls best friend is diamonds and I suppose that's true
but all the people saying that, they just don't have a clue
Golden ore is valuable for enchantment that's the key!
the secret lies beyond the eyes in enchantablility

that "butter" is the stuff I like, I need a large supply
I love the stuff so very much it almost makes me cry
So take your wood, your iron ore, and all that stuff you hold
I'll keep on digging day and night I'm diggin’ for that gold!

2016-12-29 21:10:20 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:10:22 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:11:12 UTC  

there is 1 hour version

2016-12-29 21:13:18 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:13:21 UTC  

My inventories full of that shinny golden stuff
but I'm diggin yet again cuz I just can't get enough
Golden apples, golden boots, the golden sword I swing
Golden helmet, golden hoe, golden everything!**

2016-12-29 21:13:40 UTC  

If I'm threatened by a zombie and he tries to take my ore
I'll kill him with my shovel, a golden one of course
I'm kinda like obsessed with that yellow stuff you see
I want it here, I want it now, I want it all for me

2016-12-29 21:13:53 UTC  

**I'm diggin in the caves and I'm digging all around
If there's a golden block down there then it will soon be found
I'll take it to my mansion, my fortress to behold
You guessed it right, you win the prize, of course it's made of gold!**

2016-12-29 21:15:00 UTC  
2016-12-29 21:15:23 UTC  

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.+
2 Now the earth was formless and desolate,* and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep,*+ and God’s active force*+ was moving about over the surface of the waters.+
3 And God said: “Let there be light.” Then there was light.+ 4 After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, but the darkness he called Night.+ And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.
6 Then God said: “Let there be an expanse+ between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters and the waters.”+ 7 Then God went on to make the expanse and divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse.+ And it was so. 8 God called the expanse Heaven.* And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.
9 Then God said: “Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place, and let the dry land appear.”+ And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth,+ but the collecting of the waters, he called Seas.+ And God saw that it was good.+ 11 Then God said: “Let the earth cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees according to their kinds, yielding fruit along with seed on the earth.” And it was so. 12 And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants+ and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.
14 Then God said: “Let there be luminaries*+ in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night,+ and they will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.+

2016-12-29 21:15:40 UTC  


2016-12-29 21:15:41 UTC  

Poppy Reads the Bible: Part 1 - YouTube

2016-12-29 21:15:47 UTC  

Play Minecraft to cook some raw fish, because they smell really nasty. Kill some mobs before you get on their plate, so you don't get to feel the pain. And then you craft and mine and dig, to gain experience points ya. And then you strike to get raw pork from pigs, it has no end but it's still the best game.

(Chorus: It's the eye of the spider it's poison in one bite, oh look out, I'm an excellent fighter. The creepers and the zombies other mobs of the night, spiders give you some string and the eye, of the spider.)

Never eat the rotten flesh, it makes you starve in the night. Tame a wolf and train it to play fetch, just don't hit if you want to survive.


Don't fall into the void it's so odd, when it comes to your days they're the last ones. Israphel he's no evil game mod, just the villain of the great Yogscast.


(The eye of the spider) x4