Message from @Sebastian Lawe

Discord ID: 282807794724372490

2017-02-19 09:31:59 UTC  

when i hear sounds loud enough and sometimes high pitch it really screws me up

2017-02-19 09:32:37 UTC  

we went to a circus once and i waas kinda getting ear raped and i asked my sis and she said nothing

2017-02-19 09:33:12 UTC  


2017-02-19 09:33:17 UTC  

"ear raped"

2017-02-19 09:33:31 UTC  

Like Family Guy "ear raped"?

2017-02-19 09:33:45 UTC  

There should be a phobia for the fear of sharting.

2017-02-19 09:33:53 UTC  

wait what

2017-02-19 09:33:56 UTC  

i have that phobia

2017-02-19 09:33:59 UTC  


2017-02-19 09:34:13 UTC  

Whats interesting with autism is people with severe cases have certain situations where they perform very well at a particular task.

2017-02-19 09:34:25 UTC  

yeah its pretty amazing

2017-02-19 09:34:51 UTC  

IE: My cousin who's autistic can draw a place he's seen near 100% detail.

2017-02-19 09:34:58 UTC  


2017-02-19 09:35:12 UTC  

That's actually common with all forms of autism. Even with high functioning autism. Though how extreme the effect is increases with how bad the autism is. The worse is, the more pronounced the particular skill will be.

2017-02-19 09:35:24 UTC  

I heard a theory, that Jeanne d'Arc was autistic

2017-02-19 09:35:33 UTC  

i knew a guy who was really really good at chess (autist)

2017-02-19 09:36:00 UTC  

People with asbergers will usually be better than everyone else in certain things, usualy something that person cares a lot about.

2017-02-19 09:36:00 UTC  

At my school when I was younger I knew an autistic kid who had unhuman reaction time with otherwise very hard platformers

2017-02-19 09:36:14 UTC  

So a lot of people with it embrace it as a postiive character trait rather than a negative.

2017-02-19 09:36:40 UTC  

You get some of the increased skill of autism without too much dysfunction.

2017-02-19 09:37:12 UTC  

Supposedly Einstien had Aspergers, which probably contributed to his math capabilities.

2017-02-19 09:37:24 UTC  

yeah ive heard that as well

2017-02-19 09:37:34 UTC  

I have aspergers and math is one of my big skills.

2017-02-19 09:37:46 UTC  

Yeah i suck ay math... and spelling apperantly

2017-02-19 09:37:52 UTC  

maths is my worst subject, i got an a in everything else...

2017-02-19 09:38:09 UTC  

Math was always my worst subject

2017-02-19 09:38:22 UTC  

In particular the ability to lose yourself inside a math problem putting your singular focus into it really helps me and from how he dsecribed it, that's exactly what he did to come up with relativity.

2017-02-19 09:38:39 UTC  

i remember when some kid in spelling bee got daffodil and i got accommodation.. darn it

2017-02-19 09:39:24 UTC  

Hip Hop...
Hip Hop Anonymous?


2017-02-19 09:39:42 UTC  

o i got ALL the difficult words

2017-02-19 09:39:55 UTC  

i tried so hard

2017-02-19 09:39:57 UTC  

There was this one time at an elementary school in Kentucky My teacher caught me drawing in my notebook. She got pissed off ripped out all my drawings and told a friend of mine to throw them away.

2017-02-19 09:40:19 UTC  

wow... i never drew in primary but i draw in highschool all the time

2017-02-19 09:40:40 UTC  

I went to 3 different schools in kentucky each one was worse than the last

2017-02-19 09:40:47 UTC  

In most of my classes I'd be writing something in a notebook. But it was usually some math problem. Never one I had been assigned, because I found those too easy, and rather one I gave myself.

2017-02-19 09:41:26 UTC  

i moved schools to a better school after my first year in highschool, leaving behind probably the best friend ive ever made in my lifetime

2017-02-19 09:41:47 UTC  

I know how that feels

2017-02-19 09:42:23 UTC  

One of my closest childhood friends is now an SJW that rails on about how bad it is to be white.

2017-02-19 09:42:26 UTC  

it didnt help that someone in the new squad said she actually hated me the whoe time

2017-02-19 09:43:16 UTC  

what a loss, ive cut off all my ties with my childhood friends since i have such different interests

2017-02-19 09:46:51 UTC  

👂 👁 👃 👁 👂