Message from @|--|

Discord ID: 545125142905356328

2019-02-13 03:53:33 UTC  

Because this is a nazbol server, of course.

2019-02-13 03:56:43 UTC  


2019-02-13 03:56:48 UTC  

>nazbol server

2019-02-13 03:56:55 UTC

2019-02-13 04:01:21 UTC  

Even a National Geographic can join

2019-02-13 04:49:24 UTC  

ADHD is infact a real disorder

2019-02-13 04:49:25 UTC  

I have it

2019-02-13 05:00:01 UTC  

@PunishedMuskovy clearly ADHD is just a lie made up by the Jews to get more money for medications from the white race reeeeee

2019-02-13 05:00:28 UTC  

i dont know how anyone can think adhd is fake

2019-02-13 05:00:47 UTC  

because the diagnostic criteria bothers a lot of people

2019-02-13 05:00:56 UTC  

it makes it sound like adhd kids are just "bored" and "hyper"

2019-02-13 05:01:00 UTC  

which is not what it is

2019-02-13 05:01:27 UTC  

if i dont take

2019-02-13 05:01:29 UTC  

\me peeeeels

2019-02-13 05:01:45 UTC  

i get hyper and have a tough time trying to pay attention

2019-02-13 05:02:23 UTC  

i wonder why I dont drink coffee much, it should assist in helping me with adhd shit

2019-02-13 06:11:20 UTC  

@Augustus they thought I was dumb and had ADHD in kindergarten

2019-02-13 06:11:44 UTC  

then I skipped 2 grades and everyone else in my class was just a stupid fucking brainlet taking 10 hours to learn what would take me one hour

2019-02-13 06:12:07 UTC  

Public education just weaponizes autism/ADD/ADHD/OCD against students who don't fit the mold that it forces

2019-02-13 06:12:23 UTC  

easier to drug you and get you to shut the fuck up with meth than actually treat you like a human being

2019-02-13 06:12:42 UTC  

ADHD didn't exist before public education

2019-02-13 06:12:45 UTC  

I can confirm that I indeed have adhd

2019-02-13 06:12:51 UTC  

you prob wouldn't have it in 1600

2019-02-13 06:12:52 UTC  


2019-02-13 06:12:56 UTC  

why else would stimulants have the opposite effect on me

2019-02-13 06:13:13 UTC  

it's an example of modern life being incompatible with humanity

2019-02-13 06:13:25 UTC  

autism/ADD/ADHD are just responses to a fucked up system

2019-02-13 06:13:32 UTC  

if i take my pill or drink a good coffee, I calm down

2019-02-13 06:13:42 UTC  

I'm sure a very small amount of people were fucked genetically in like 1500 AD

2019-02-13 06:13:46 UTC  

meanwhile if a normie sneaks one of my pills they act like they did a line of cocaine

2019-02-13 06:13:47 UTC  

and might've had autism or something

2019-02-13 06:13:49 UTC  

but it was very few people

2019-02-13 06:14:13 UTC  

I refuse to believe that fucking 25%+ of the population is genetically defective in cases of long term depression or autism or ADD or ADHD

2019-02-13 06:14:19 UTC  

it's just modern factors influencing them

2019-02-13 06:14:34 UTC  

Yeah sure lots of fuck ups would die before adulthood previously but it wasn't that high

2019-02-13 06:14:53 UTC  

Look up the studies they've done on diet completely eliminating most ADHD cases

2019-02-13 06:15:44 UTC  

@PunishedMuskovy lol no it's tolerance

2019-02-13 06:16:00 UTC  

? then why am I all hyper without taking a pill

2019-02-13 06:16:08 UTC  

and why does Caffiene have a similar effect?

2019-02-13 06:16:11 UTC  

are you dumb lad

2019-02-13 06:16:38 UTC  

Because your dose was made specifically for you and the effects it has on you, you've built tolerance