Message from @Pulse Redux

Discord ID: 550570963415203841

2019-02-28 06:10:56 UTC  

oof, that didn't work

2019-02-28 06:11:06 UTC  

supposed to be a star of david

2019-02-28 06:11:07 UTC  


2019-02-28 06:23:14 UTC  

@Bee do you even know who Bakunin is?

2019-02-28 06:23:29 UTC  

The guy who you're quoting from?

2019-02-28 06:30:16 UTC  

an anarchist
i used to be an anarchist

2019-02-28 06:31:01 UTC  

that was many years ago tho

2019-02-28 06:31:22 UTC  

anarchists in general are retarded

2019-02-28 06:31:40 UTC  

And why is that my friend?

2019-02-28 06:31:54 UTC  

why was i an anarchist?

2019-02-28 06:32:16 UTC  

Why are anarchists retarded

2019-02-28 06:33:36 UTC  

well we can separate anarchists into 2 camps, real anarchists and pawn/retard anarchists
let me rant a little

2019-02-28 06:34:00 UTC  

so here's the thing, i can understand anarchist's beef with the state

2019-02-28 06:36:29 UTC  

but here in the real world, we have to be pragmatic
if we don't use power ourselves, someone else use it, and trample us, whoever it is
whether its foreign invasion, etc
someone will impose their will onto the people
so it's better to have some sort of sovereignty where we can protect ourselves
now that's just the state part

2019-02-28 06:38:14 UTC  

i find anarchists' views on economics interesting
i have sympathy for it, but at this point in global history, we are not ready for it, but we can try to at least move in the right direction
i am against neoliberalist capitalism/neoconism etc

i think most of my beef with anarchists are their retarded views on social issues/values/freedoms

2019-02-28 06:39:40 UTC  

anarchists are just mere pawns now for neoliberal globalist corporations nowadays

2019-02-28 06:46:14 UTC  

bUt tHAT wOUlD vIOlATe mY N.A.P

2019-02-28 06:50:52 UTC  

Maybe you've never understood what anarchists wanted to replace the state with. In an anarchist country or a nation, true sovereignty will be in the hands of the people. And the people will be organised through a system if federation that is bottom up. That means workers, united in their trades and jobs as association of workers, those associations federating together to form a commune. All associations are the supreme sovereigns. They appoint committees and councils for the administration of a territorial branch and they can kick them out whenever necessary if they slack off in their work. A commune in a given region will federate to form a regional federation represented in a regional committee of the regional federation. The committee itself will be formed from delegates of different communes. The federation is important for the coordination od economic and cultural projects in a large area, particularly in a region. Now, those delegates are nothing like the representative politicians like we have today, on the contrary, they're nothing short of messengers that corresponds with the regional committee while having no power of his own, true power will lie in the individual communes, and in turn in the associations of workingmen. After the regional federation, comes the national federation. The national federation is a union of all regional federation of a given nation, represented by a national committee. The rules for the delegates is the same as the delegates for regional federation. Again, the national federation is important for coordination for economic and cultural projects composing a whole nation and for communication. The federations (local, regional and national etc) are also important for a common registry of data and statistics for production and consumption so that the economy goes through an orderly and efficient manner.

2019-02-28 06:51:27 UTC

2019-02-28 06:51:52 UTC  

@Pulse Redux we're having a serious conversation. Please don't pollute.

2019-02-28 06:52:26 UTC  

All right, all right, don't call the Mc Airforce on me

2019-02-28 06:54:29 UTC  

@انتقام i agree with what you're saying for the most part
i think we should have that except have a state with that for today
mabe in the future where capitalism/financial international capitalists are eradicated and there are no wars, we can have that
but for right now, we can't do it
i do agree we should do alot more for the workers etc

2019-02-28 06:55:20 UTC  

also to add that anarchists today don't even fight for that anymore lol

2019-02-28 06:57:31 UTC  

And as for self defense, anarchists have never rejected the prospect for a well disciplined army. Alexander Berkman, after the Russian Revolution had emphasized, "The social revolution demands that we build a well disciplined and organised army for it's defense." And anarchists historically have followed this. Whether it be Durruti's Iron Coloumn, or the Revolutionary Army Of Ukraine, they've maintained a strictly disciplined and organised armed force to fend off the enemy. But in this day of age, no matter how big and well disciplined your army is, against the superior imperialist armies like that of the US and China, will fall like a house of cards because of their drone and missile technology. So the very conduct of war has to be revisited by revolutionaries. In the meantime, there's no alternative other thsn guerilla warfare.

2019-02-28 06:57:46 UTC  

Anarchism is gay

2019-02-28 06:59:01 UTC  

sure i agree
though today, all that anarchists for are fighting for are cummies and opening borders to third worlders lol

2019-02-28 06:59:11 UTC  

at least euro/american ones

2019-02-28 07:00:00 UTC  

No if it's it the triumph of the revolution you want and the moral and material development of the workers, you will have to do away with the government. We've seen time and time again how the organised parasites like the Bolsheviks and communists have destroyed all prospects of the revolution and destroyed organs of workers control thus inevitably destroying the morale of the revolution and reduce the workers to a cattle of herds and slaves for the service and interest of the members of a party dictatorship.

2019-02-28 07:02:45 UTC  

i partially agree, though bolsheviks are a whole monster of their own,
they are internationalists, we are just mere meatbag workers for them
i agree moreso with nationalist communists like dimitrov, tito, etc

there has to be both a spiritual and material aspect to revolution

2019-02-28 07:03:56 UTC  

The revolution can never triumph without its spiritual and moral elevation

2019-02-28 07:04:02 UTC  

i would back anarchists more if they attacked more banks and elites etc

2019-02-28 07:04:20 UTC  

They are

2019-02-28 07:04:23 UTC  

anarchism has been hijacked

2019-02-28 07:04:31 UTC  

Yes by the ancaps

2019-02-28 07:04:44 UTC  

nah not them lol

2019-02-28 07:04:53 UTC  

Most right-libertarian theorists are jews

2019-02-28 07:04:59 UTC  

i know that lol

2019-02-28 07:05:14 UTC  

but yes
its part of the kosher sandwich

2019-02-28 07:07:25 UTC  

Anarchism is not a party organ. It is an idea, it can't be hijacked. Even it did, the degenerative ones will be rejected for the slow but inevitable development of the revolutionary one. Like how after a body has been wounded, it slowly pushes the foreign objects outward and starts healing in the process.

2019-02-28 07:08:00 UTC  

2019-02-28 07:08:47 UTC  

so would you purge furrykin trannies fighting for their cummies lol