Message from @Augustus

Discord ID: 550879049841639424

2019-03-01 03:12:36 UTC  

If you think about it, an apartment in the city is the perfect place to keep people complacent

2019-03-01 03:12:42 UTC  

I bet he doesn't give a good god damn about the browning of America

2019-03-01 03:12:42 UTC  

Tbf they’d be the only ones not fucking your wife at this point

2019-03-01 03:13:03 UTC  

He is a fag no?

2019-03-01 03:13:14 UTC  

Why do we care what he thinks?

2019-03-01 03:13:31 UTC  

For $20 I can be whatever you want me to be, bowl

2019-03-01 03:13:44 UTC  

this is disgraceful

2019-03-01 03:14:08 UTC  

Mods plz

2019-03-01 03:14:31 UTC  

Never said I did, its still fun to talk to them, its like dealing with neo-cons, or neo-libs. Its not like they can swing your opinion anyway, so long as your not some kek nazi memer

2019-03-01 03:14:44 UTC

2019-03-01 03:15:03 UTC  

If you understand the genetic and racial differences between groups, it destroys any validity civic nationalism has

2019-03-01 03:15:22 UTC  

It helps if you stuff your ears with cotton redux, don’t want those nasty ideas spreading

2019-03-01 03:15:37 UTC  

You might start *thinking*

2019-03-01 03:15:44 UTC  


2019-03-01 03:15:50 UTC  

Oh yes, thinking about liberalism

2019-03-01 03:15:55 UTC  


2019-03-01 03:15:56 UTC  

How great that would be

2019-03-01 03:16:07 UTC  

This but unironically

2019-03-01 03:16:14 UTC  

>inb4 im not a libtard 😦

2019-03-01 03:16:25 UTC  

fedora tipper thinking he has a monopoly on free thought

2019-03-01 03:16:40 UTC  

this is why we can't have nice things

2019-03-01 03:16:40 UTC  

Is he a nog too?

2019-03-01 03:16:44 UTC  

you bet

2019-03-01 03:16:48 UTC  

Who said I was against ideas spreading? I got to where I am now by keeping a relatively open mind. Interestingly, I was Civnat for a while, but because I followed Abu Sargoy Al Applebee's, and was told how evil and mean being pro-white is, I avoided the data for too long

2019-03-01 03:16:48 UTC  


2019-03-01 03:17:00 UTC  

nobody goes civ nat unless they're brown

2019-03-01 03:17:02 UTC  

Why do you guys allow this filth in your groups?

2019-03-01 03:17:16 UTC  

not my call, this server has always been more casual

2019-03-01 03:17:24 UTC  

you wouldn't be here either lmao

2019-03-01 03:17:44 UTC  

It boggles my mind to let subversive fag negro civnats shit up chats

2019-03-01 03:17:48 UTC  

Hahah libtard, some guy on the internet told me you don’t have a monopoly on free thought!

2019-03-01 03:18:07 UTC  

Me too, frankly I’m appalled

2019-03-01 03:18:09 UTC  

look the npc programming is breaking down

2019-03-01 03:18:13 UTC  

Ban pls

2019-03-01 03:18:20 UTC  

this is a sight

2019-03-01 03:18:29 UTC  

Ban this man Augustus

2019-03-01 03:18:34 UTC  


2019-03-01 03:18:54 UTC  

Dude, stop or else Jewden Jewderson is gonna come in here and tell me to clean my room and wash my penis

2019-03-01 03:18:57 UTC  

My beliefs are being challenged and it is scary

2019-03-01 03:19:16 UTC  

Lol the only thing you've challenged is what level of bait you are on

2019-03-01 03:19:22 UTC  

why are you typing gibberish