Message from @Ajex

Discord ID: 298274471842938880

2017-04-03 01:54:34 UTC  


2017-04-03 01:54:37 UTC  

there is only one God

2017-04-03 01:54:44 UTC  

How are you sure?

2017-04-03 01:54:52 UTC  

This is so conveluded now, not gonna lie.

2017-04-03 01:54:53 UTC  

So they hindu, muslim, jewish, etc... people are wrong?

2017-04-03 01:54:57 UTC  

that's a lot of wrong people

2017-04-03 01:55:02 UTC  

@Vik No evidence for Sodom and Gomorrah and gays just don't use condoms when they fuck each other

2017-04-03 01:55:03 UTC  

there's a couple gods vik

2017-04-03 01:55:04 UTC  

Maybe we are all wrong.

2017-04-03 01:55:05 UTC  

There's a reason

2017-04-03 01:55:10 UTC  

Maybe we are all right.

2017-04-03 01:55:14 UTC  

devil, thats why im an agnostic

2017-04-03 01:55:17 UTC  

maybe... everyone is a cunt.

2017-04-03 01:55:24 UTC  

I dont believe in being athiest, and i dont believe in religion

2017-04-03 01:55:33 UTC  

because everyone needs to be skeptical of everything

2017-04-03 01:55:33 UTC  

Hell, there might be a religion that gives you the religious afterlife you believe in.

2017-04-03 01:55:40 UTC  

Ayy, White gets it

2017-04-03 01:56:00 UTC  

The reading today was about Lazarus

2017-04-03 01:56:07 UTC  

Theres a good chance god doesnt exist, and theres a tiny chance maybe he does. i cant fully say he doesnt because im not a superhuman that knows everything

2017-04-03 01:56:10 UTC  

Or that we go to a planet beyond our current galaxy.

2017-04-03 01:56:15 UTC  

science only goes so far

2017-04-03 01:56:22 UTC  

I mean, it could work.

2017-04-03 01:56:33 UTC  

We can't go into the infinite void of space.

2017-04-03 01:56:33 UTC  

science is how we understand our world around us, not an object of worship

2017-04-03 01:56:56 UTC  

The real question is, do you guys think there is a cure for cancer, but it's not released because of all the money they cancer research companies get

2017-04-03 01:56:59 UTC  

Its not an object of worship, but its the closest thing we have to the truth

2017-04-03 01:57:10 UTC  

there is a cure for cancer

2017-04-03 01:57:10 UTC  

And science has done more than religion, which is ironic, seeing as how religion sort of tied into science and mathematics.

2017-04-03 01:57:22 UTC  

But note that this was with every religion that existed ever.

2017-04-03 01:57:31 UTC  

yeah a lot of famous scientists were people of the Christian faith

2017-04-03 01:57:37 UTC  

@Danny Fresh There's no "cure" to cancer. There are too many variables

2017-04-03 01:57:42 UTC  

We need to create a partial dyson swarm around our sun by using all/most of mercury to develop hematite mirrors to collect the energy then use that energy to construct kugelblitz engines

2017-04-03 01:57:43 UTC  

lol, dont yall find it mysterious how all those doctors randomly went missing after they began to talk about how vaccines are linked to cancer in children?

2017-04-03 01:57:45 UTC  

Some cells stop making P53

2017-04-03 01:57:55 UTC  

Some cells do this, some do that

2017-04-03 01:58:07 UTC  

And they learnt to not throw a bible in their studies every time they discovered something new.

2017-04-03 01:58:10 UTC  

That's why they can't cure it

2017-04-03 01:58:16 UTC  


2017-04-03 01:58:23 UTC  

Get it?

2017-04-03 01:58:23 UTC  

i'm spent talking with you people. everything i've said has been proven true and correct with physical evidence along with the writings of many philosphers. read dostoyevsky and CS Lewis. Listen to William Lane Craig.

2017-04-03 01:58:30 UTC  

Bible studies...?