Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 255019009727135744

2016-12-04 16:42:20 UTC  

We Are Number One

2016-12-04 16:46:07 UTC  

Now listen closely
Here's a little lesson in trickery
This is going down in history
If you wanna be a Villain Number One
You have to chase a superhero on the run
Just follow my moves, and sneak around
Be careful not to make a sound

2016-12-04 16:46:33 UTC  

straight fire

2016-12-04 16:52:26 UTC  

This offends me as a vegan transgender atheist who vapes and crossfits 4 times a week and im also a male feminist as I identify myself as a pastafarian apache helicopter dog mega multi combo god of hyper death and if you dont agree with me You're an ignorant arrogant globaphobic sexist lesbian

2016-12-04 16:56:35 UTC  

You're gay and nobody loves you

2016-12-04 16:59:04 UTC  


2016-12-04 17:05:46 UTC

2016-12-04 17:06:58 UTC

2016-12-04 17:07:21 UTC  


2016-12-04 17:07:31 UTC  


2016-12-04 17:07:41 UTC

2016-12-04 17:07:48 UTC  


2016-12-04 17:08:01 UTC

2016-12-04 17:08:35 UTC  

b i g b o y h a n d s

2016-12-04 17:08:42 UTC  

Nice fanny pack

2016-12-04 17:10:44 UTC  

BOYS WITH BIG HANDS 💯 💯 😩 😫 👌 😍 😍 😍

2016-12-04 17:13:28 UTC  

Its literally me

2016-12-04 17:14:01 UTC

2016-12-04 17:14:04 UTC  

Can we make sex now

2016-12-04 17:14:29 UTC  

the lighter takes up more space

2016-12-04 17:14:49 UTC  

Do what now

2016-12-04 17:21:02 UTC  


2016-12-04 17:32:50 UTC

2016-12-04 17:34:25 UTC  

Me irl v

2016-12-04 17:34:34 UTC

2016-12-04 17:36:25 UTC

2016-12-04 17:36:38 UTC  

God I hope they do

2016-12-04 17:52:19 UTC

2016-12-04 17:53:30 UTC  

I didn't know this is 2010

2016-12-04 18:12:24 UTC

2016-12-04 18:16:44 UTC  

What the mint-chocolate chip did you just chocolate say about me, you little strawberry? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the vanilla out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my rocky road words. You think you can get away with saying that caramel to me over the Internet? Think again, fudge. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re banana dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable black cherry off the face of the continent, you little birthday cake. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your cookie dough tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn cheesecake. I will crackle caramel all over you and you will drown in it. Make like a banana and split, kiddo

2016-12-04 18:18:56 UTC  

r e m o v e k e b a b

2016-12-04 18:32:18 UTC  

Go t it all planned out — it is quite perfect. I`ve been running MW3 to keep the twitch reflexes in check, and have also been extensivly playing Battle Field just as a reminder that you gotta lead moving targets, and that guns just don`t shoot magic laser bullets lol. I`ve recently come across an abandowned warehouse 1-2 mi. away from my current undisclosed location, and I`ve turned it into a kill house, full of mazes & targets — with a soda bottle taped to the muzzle, no one can hear me conducting by own special recipe of tactical training haha. Also custom mapped the building in Source engine editor, making sure to set the +runspeed variables realistically, as to ensuring my timeline is accurate. So, here it is:

0 min- Walk threw the front doors of the building I work at, headphones on, cuz I`m the new janitor and they think I`m weird anyway. Just pushing my janitor cart around lol..

2m31s- Am on the roof now, everyone thinks I`m in the basement fixing a leak, which will lower suspicion by a significant amount.

3m21s- Nestled into a good shotting position over looking wall st. SlipKnot is blasting my Sennheisers — about to unload once the breakdown kicks in.

3m55s- OK its the breakdown, Fuck coreys voice is amazeing. I`m unloadin on every suit & tie weareing robot peace of shit that ruined this countrys economy with their schemes. Hopefully plinked at least 20 jews. Im loseing track of time, changeing mags I say to myself, not realizing Ive been going at it for 4-5 minutes, OK the cops are showing up.

8m57s- Brakeing down weapons system & returning to the basement.

10m11s- Comeing up from the basement now… acting shocked and terrified at what happened. Say stuff like >”Id kill that motherfucker if I find him,” to lower if not completely remove suspicion once again.

8h24m22s- Back at home now,going to watch the news & post, lol.

2016-12-04 18:37:58 UTC

2016-12-04 18:40:10 UTC  

thats sarky's sister

2016-12-04 19:08:57 UTC  

Sarkys sister 😥😍

2016-12-04 19:20:01 UTC

2016-12-04 19:43:26 UTC  


2016-12-04 20:21:42 UTC