Message from @Evan
Discord ID: 554186814970134528
I mean
with people like you here, sometimes I feel it's needed :p
Blow job better than no job
homosexuality is weird and it's lust it goes against nature and logic
Homosexuality is correlated with autism
Lots of things go against nature, though
im autistic mother fucker
Well your here
are you gay too
I mean thats a given
hell no straight as can be
So’s spaghetti
The autism correlation is true, though
Till it gets wet
They have OCD for sure
doesn't mean all autistics are homodumbuals
homos are some deranged bastards
How so
rural midwest, god bless you
Being real its difficult to say its not natural from one perspective as obviously its a behaviour we observe in animals and two i dont think anyone isnt born gay who is gay
So this is what the middle school bully meant
And homo is the same bro
holy shit
Not a homo
homo derived from some word like hamos or wise but i don't know ancient greek i know some modern greek
homo just means man lads
no im pretty sure it's wise
From homos - same
homo sapiens is "wise man"
sapiens meaning wise
like sapient
at least i knew it's greek