Message from @dani(el)

Discord ID: 299084894792056842

2017-04-05 07:35:02 UTC  

nowhere comparable

2017-04-05 07:35:06 UTC  

shadilay is a damn good song

2017-04-05 07:35:07 UTC  

i don't mind

2017-04-05 07:35:13 UTC  

Sass is the fun stuff

2017-04-05 07:35:14 UTC  

i dont give a fuck about anyone thinks. its a legitimately good song

2017-04-05 07:35:22 UTC  

Like Rasputin

2017-04-05 07:35:26 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:35:26 UTC  

i have no problem spending quality time with autistic children

2017-04-05 07:35:31 UTC  

Catchy as fuck

2017-04-05 07:35:33 UTC  

pepe is garbo gay goo goo ga ga meme

2017-04-05 07:35:37 UTC  

rasputin is good too

2017-04-05 07:35:58 UTC  

assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà
respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh

(chorus X2)
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilea oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò

armonia metallica, concreta realtà
videoclip elettronico, elogio di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh

(chorus X2)
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò

2017-04-05 07:35:58 UTC  

sam probably looks like his pfp and dani looks like that pepe with the downs

2017-04-05 07:36:10 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:36:13 UTC  

i WISH i looked like pepe dude

2017-04-05 07:36:22 UTC  

i'm 6'2

2017-04-05 07:36:26 UTC  

blonde hair blue eyes

2017-04-05 07:36:30 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:36:31 UTC  

high pony tail vs bun

2017-04-05 07:36:33 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:36:35 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:36:35 UTC  

dani fucks my ass every night

2017-04-05 07:36:38 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:36:45 UTC  

smacks sams ass

2017-04-05 07:36:47 UTC  

Get pegged m8

2017-04-05 07:37:09 UTC  

high pony tails are better imo

2017-04-05 07:37:11 UTC  

pretty gay, have fun going to hell

2017-04-05 07:37:16 UTC  

high pony tails are disgusting

2017-04-05 07:37:19 UTC  

hell seems cool, ever read inferno

2017-04-05 07:37:30 UTC  

you are disgusting

2017-04-05 07:37:32 UTC  

bangs and medium length hair GOAT

2017-04-05 07:37:35 UTC  

Saints Row put a fun spin on it.

2017-04-05 07:38:31 UTC  

devils row putting a fun spin on hell

2017-04-05 07:38:31 UTC  

should i have froot loops for breakfast

2017-04-05 07:38:39 UTC  

y am i not surprised

2017-04-05 07:38:48 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:38:51 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:39:01 UTC  


2017-04-05 07:39:34 UTC  

probably cause he takes fruit loop type of guys up the arse

2017-04-05 07:39:34 UTC  

Also, here you go, wiseass