Message from @Moxie

Discord ID: 299552006102712320

2017-04-06 14:27:49 UTC  

Should we get the team from Scooby Doo to figure out that mystery

2017-04-06 14:28:20 UTC  

Anyway, but my brother also doesn't always listen to my mom

2017-04-06 14:28:25 UTC  

He's 18

2017-04-06 14:28:29 UTC  

Accidentally slashed open the palm of my hand with some scissors, learned the closing the scissors and putting them down before standing up is the safe thing to do.

2017-04-06 14:28:42 UTC  

shaggy the stoner,scooby the doggo,freddie the fuck boi,velmah the nerd,daphnie the chatty one

2017-04-06 14:28:57 UTC  

Careful, the blood will attracte vampires.

2017-04-06 14:29:04 UTC  

Very descriptive and true

2017-04-06 14:29:14 UTC  

Like my mom will tell him to stop saying a question over and over that he already got an answer for

2017-04-06 14:29:21 UTC  

Then he says he's sorry

2017-04-06 14:29:30 UTC  

Then goes back to doing it

2017-04-06 14:29:50 UTC  

Is that a common thing with autism?

2017-04-06 14:29:52 UTC  

idk how his brain works but i imagine its very challenging to

2017-04-06 14:30:11 UTC  

idk i personally dont talk to ppl with autisim i met a few they were very irritable

2017-04-06 14:30:20 UTC  

if i lost a game and screamed and yelled in my face

2017-04-06 14:30:27 UTC  

evven if i explained it was a game

2017-04-06 14:30:34 UTC  

then i told him to fuck off

2017-04-06 14:30:38 UTC  

and got in trouble for it

2017-04-06 14:30:48 UTC  

Oh fuck, i do not have the patience for that sort of stuff, I would probably hit him bc I'm like that when stuff doesn't work

2017-04-06 14:31:39 UTC  

i just dont like how ppl think they deserved to be treated better no offens pranster it depends on the level,but if they can talk and seem normal im not gonna treat them like there special

2017-04-06 14:32:27 UTC  

But since he can't really talk, and says random things at times, I have Zero idea what he's feeling or what he's thinking

2017-04-06 14:32:43 UTC  

you should get him to start journaling

2017-04-06 14:32:51 UTC  

to write whatever he wants or draws

2017-04-06 14:32:54 UTC  

its a good start

2017-04-06 14:32:58 UTC  

I have autism, but it is not much of a problem as long as I am in a stable environment and have a routine. If shit hits the fan I can turn full lunatic.

2017-04-06 14:33:16 UTC  

Free college < Wall

2017-04-06 14:33:19 UTC  

2-D is back bitches!

2017-04-06 14:33:20 UTC  

full lunatic nawh

2017-04-06 14:33:22 UTC  

But my mom thinks that he does that because he hates her

2017-04-06 14:33:33 UTC  

it might not be bc of that

2017-04-06 14:33:33 UTC  

Who does what?

2017-04-06 14:33:42 UTC  

there has to be more to it then just that

2017-04-06 14:34:03 UTC  

I'm confused.

2017-04-06 14:34:24 UTC  

Read up then

2017-04-06 14:34:24 UTC  

i can call this woman a cunt but not explain why bc she looked at me funny but i still wont like her and she wont understand why

2017-04-06 14:34:37 UTC  

You may get some context

2017-04-06 14:34:52 UTC  

Okay, give me five minutes.

2017-04-06 14:35:16 UTC  

communication problems is the thing

2017-04-06 14:35:21 UTC  

I try telling my mom that it can't be the complete reason

2017-04-06 14:35:33 UTC  

But she ignores me

2017-04-06 14:35:37 UTC  

I was in a bad place where I used to live and one day a newspaper at my door pissed me off so bad I got on my bicycle to go to the newspaper office and yell at them to not put a newspaper at my door, the part I remember most is being so pissed off that I didn't want to go down the block to the crosswalk and ended up forcing my bike through the shrubbery in the median strip, I must have looked totally insane.

2017-04-06 14:35:51 UTC  

I don't know where the Hell it begins!