Message from @Katnipkitkat

Discord ID: 299862699335221258

2017-04-07 10:43:20 UTC  

They sell edible cookie dough these days

2017-04-07 10:43:29 UTC  

dun eat raw eggs guyz

2017-04-07 10:44:04 UTC  

Yolk up bro

2017-04-07 10:44:09 UTC  

Some raw fish has parasites that can make their way into your eyeballs.

2017-04-07 10:44:33 UTC  


2017-04-07 10:44:43 UTC  


2017-04-07 10:48:01 UTC  

Had to turn on my dehumidifier yesterday. Noticed there wasn't any static electricity zapping the cats. Last year I uncovered a budding mold problem due to humidity in my apartment now I don't feel at ease if I don't hear the crackle of static electricity when the cats burrow around under the blanket.

2017-04-07 10:50:23 UTC  

I don't understand the correlation

2017-04-07 10:51:08 UTC  

If there is static electricity then the air is dry, not humid, therefore no mold which thrives in moist environments.

2017-04-07 10:51:20 UTC  


2017-04-07 10:53:05 UTC  

Seriously man, it made me sick, it was because I wasn't getting better that I investigated behind furniture and found white mold. After I bleach cleaned everything and got a dehumidifier everything was fine.

2017-04-07 10:53:56 UTC  

The more you know 🌈

2017-04-07 10:55:23 UTC  

The mold was not anywhere that was easily visibile I had to take like everything out of my closet and pull all my furniture away from the walls and found the only stuff that was in direct contact with the east wall had mold on it.

2017-04-07 10:55:58 UTC  


2017-04-07 10:57:49 UTC  

Luckily I am kinda vigilant about making sure I get to the bottom of things, after I cleaned everything and washed every piece of clothing and blankets and got the dehumidifier I started feeling better almost right away.

2017-04-07 11:00:41 UTC  

Now I tend to touch the sliding glass door every day to make sure there is no moisture on the inside of it.

2017-04-07 11:01:31 UTC  

how on earth was your house that moist

2017-04-07 11:02:42 UTC  

The east wall is the outside wall and they recently put up a new building like 2 feet away from my window, so I think maybe the thermodynamics got messed up as now sunlight never ever hits that wall on the outside of the building.

2017-04-07 11:03:32 UTC  

ah, I lived in a drought most of my life so things never get moist here

2017-04-07 11:04:36 UTC  

I should have payed more attention to the moisture on the inside of the door, but I didn't think that mold would crop up, so part of it is my bad for not getting a dehumidifier sooner.

2017-04-07 11:07:18 UTC  

The apartment I used to live in had a dip in the balcony that would retain water during the summer months and mosquitoes and clover seemed to thrive there.

2017-04-07 11:10:29 UTC  

everything thrives expect the cells I tried to grow last night

2017-04-07 11:10:30 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:24:00 UTC  

*farts* 😳

2017-04-07 11:24:17 UTC  

i have art block

2017-04-07 11:24:34 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:25:06 UTC  

Draw me

2017-04-07 11:26:47 UTC  

what the fuck

2017-04-07 11:28:58 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:29:23 UTC  

Back bitches

2017-04-07 11:29:48 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:29:57 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:30:16 UTC  

I don't need to explain myself to you

2017-04-07 11:30:57 UTC  

Why not?

2017-04-07 11:31:38 UTC  

💥 <:feels:280645240572870656> 💥 🔫

2017-04-07 11:31:48 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:32:29 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:32:30 UTC  


2017-04-07 11:32:48 UTC  

Hey thanks for your input clyd

2017-04-07 11:32:57 UTC  

<:feels:280645240572870656> when you have like 3 days left before you go to china but you get art block

2017-04-07 11:33:23 UTC  

Hi Clyd