Message from @carlsbad

Discord ID: 301184713836724224

2017-04-11 02:38:53 UTC  


2017-04-11 02:38:54 UTC  

Time to fap more like it

2017-04-11 02:39:08 UTC  

united soviet states of america

2017-04-11 02:39:10 UTC  

union socialist soviet states

2017-04-11 02:39:12 UTC  

<:workersunite:279040933759025152> <:workersunite:279040933759025152>

2017-04-11 02:39:19 UTC  

of america

2017-04-11 02:39:19 UTC  

seize the means of fapping

2017-04-11 02:39:21 UTC  

Seriously, Everything is a "Pick a side" mentality

2017-04-11 02:39:33 UTC  


2017-04-11 02:39:35 UTC  


2017-04-11 02:39:36 UTC  

@prankster2099 for most, yes. that is humanity

2017-04-11 02:39:36 UTC  

I fucking hate it

2017-04-11 02:39:40 UTC  

seize means

2017-04-11 02:39:42 UTC  

of production

2017-04-11 02:39:53 UTC  

@prankster2099 nothing can be done about it, really. It is biological, for the most part

2017-04-11 02:39:56 UTC  

But it increased greatly over the past few years

2017-04-11 02:40:03 UTC  

@prankster2099 not unless we change our genetics

2017-04-11 02:40:14 UTC  

@prankster2099 I've lived a long time, and it is the same if you ask me

2017-04-11 02:40:26 UTC  

I'm ancient

2017-04-11 02:40:26 UTC  

it's in our minds

2017-04-11 02:40:31 UTC  

I think we've had this mentality for a while

2017-04-11 02:40:34 UTC  

like Zeus, or some shit like that

2017-04-11 02:40:40 UTC  

since forever

2017-04-11 02:40:49 UTC  

We are tribal in nature

2017-04-11 02:40:57 UTC  


2017-04-11 02:41:02 UTC  

communism is the only way

2017-04-11 02:41:07 UTC  


2017-04-11 02:41:11 UTC  

communism fails because of human nature

2017-04-11 02:41:14 UTC  

and not these faggots on the streets rioting

2017-04-11 02:41:14 UTC  

and I saw we must have a mass cleansing of all who think like the tribal people who fight over such petty things

2017-04-11 02:41:17 UTC  

all systems fail because of human anture

2017-04-11 02:41:19 UTC  

fucking idiots arent true communists

2017-04-11 02:41:24 UTC  

we just start over and do it again

2017-04-11 02:41:31 UTC  

We must eliminate all the weaker of humanity

2017-04-11 02:41:36 UTC  

And what? capitalism doesnt help the poor

2017-04-11 02:41:37 UTC  

@prankster2099 define weaker

2017-04-11 02:41:42 UTC  

communism promises a better life

2017-04-11 02:41:44 UTC  

The crippled

2017-04-11 02:41:46 UTC  

The fat

2017-04-11 02:41:49 UTC  

The sick

2017-04-11 02:41:49 UTC  

@Masaki does it deliver? no