Message from @Phantasmagorical

Discord ID: 308261996758040576

2017-04-30 15:20:33 UTC  

My ability to type words into Google is one of my many strengths

2017-04-30 15:20:36 UTC  

quote "“grasping handfuls from the fleshy parts of the body, such as the thighs and the breasts"

2017-04-30 15:20:46 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:20:48 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:20:52 UTC  

One of the strengths l that we all share.

2017-04-30 15:21:06 UTC  

Oh my.

2017-04-30 15:21:38 UTC  

Oh my. I'm reading this article and the next thing is even better.

2017-04-30 15:21:50 UTC  

Flaying, or the removal of skin from the face or body of a person, was practiced all over the ancient world, but the Chinese were very fond of it. Customarily, it was done with a sharp knife, carefully slicing into the dermis and removing the skin of the face in one piece. Many Chinese emperors and empresses loved flaying their detractors, The Hongwu Emperor in particular – he ordered the flaying of 5000 women in 1396. The skins were either stuffed with straw or nailed to a wall to show off to any potential enemies of the state. I also found a particularly gruesome story about flaying with mercury, whereby the victim would be buried upright to the neck, and have two cuts made in the scalp and mercury poured into them. The weight of the mercury would cause the skin to separate from the flesh, and when the victim writhed in pain they would slip from their skin like a banana from the peel. I couldn’t find anything to back this up, but it sounds awesomely fucking sadistic!!!

2017-04-30 15:21:53 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:22:02 UTC  

bad time to walk in

2017-04-30 15:22:10 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:22:20 UTC  

sounds like Tuesday

2017-04-30 15:22:26 UTC  

And welcome, we have articles for you to read already.

2017-04-30 15:22:34 UTC  

Serial Killer Sunday is the best

2017-04-30 15:22:39 UTC  

Can I tell you all about Albert Fish

2017-04-30 15:22:54 UTC  

Who is Albert Fish?

2017-04-30 15:22:54 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:23:00 UTC  

He's a serial killer

2017-04-30 15:23:03 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:23:07 UTC  

Go for it

2017-04-30 15:23:07 UTC  

He was a serial killer

2017-04-30 15:23:25 UTC  

What did he do?

2017-04-30 15:23:32 UTC  

First off, the letter he sent to the parents of one of his victims

2017-04-30 15:23:38 UTC  

Good ol' Harv the Hammer!

2017-04-30 15:24:11 UTC  

I have an excellent book somewhere, by a bloke who interviews a whole lot of serial killers

2017-04-30 15:24:15 UTC  

In 1894, a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the steamer Tacoma, Capt. John Davis. They sailed from San Francisco to Hong Kong, China. On arriving there, he and two others went ashore and got drunk. When they returned, the boat was gone.

At that time, there was a famine in China. Meat of any kind was 1-3 dollars a pound. So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold for food in order to keep others from starving. A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street. You could go in any shop and ask for steak, chops, or stew meat. Part of the naked body of a boy or girl would be brought out and just what you wanted cut from it. A boy or girl's behind, which is the sweetest part of the body and is sold as veal cutlets, brings the highest price.

John stayed there so long that he acquired a taste for human flesh. On his return to N.Y., he stole two boys -- one 7, one 11. He took them to his home, stripped them naked, and tied them up in a closet, and then burned everything they had on. Several times every day and night he spanked them -- tortured them -- to make their meat good and tender.

First, he killed the 11-year-old boy, because he had the fattest ass and of course the most meat on it. Every part of his body was cooked and eaten except the head, bones, and guts. He was roasted in the oven (all of his ass), boiled, broiled, fried, and stewed. The little boy was next, and he went the same way. At that time, I was living at 409 E. 100 St. He told me so often how good human flesh was, and I made up my mind to taste it.

2017-04-30 15:24:19 UTC  

On June 3, 1928, I called on you at 406 W. 15 St. and brought you pot cheese and strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat on my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her.

On the pretense of taking her to a party, you said yes, she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wildflowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them.

When all was ready, I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in the closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down the stairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma.

First, I stripped her naked. How she did kick, bite, and scratch. I choked her to death, then cut her in small pieces so I could take the meat to my rooms, cook, and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her, though I could have if I wished. She died a virgin."

2017-04-30 15:24:30 UTC  

It has details, and transcripts of the interviews with various killers too

2017-04-30 15:24:42 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:24:43 UTC  

I want that book

2017-04-30 15:24:44 UTC  


2017-04-30 15:24:51 UTC  

Nah it's an amazing book

2017-04-30 15:24:58 UTC  

I'll try and find it hold up

2017-04-30 15:25:01 UTC  

Thank you

2017-04-30 15:25:21 UTC  

Christopher Berry-Dee is the author, has a whole lot of books on the topic

2017-04-30 15:25:42 UTC  

Lots of interview style things also, some of the interviews are on the net as actual videos

2017-04-30 15:25:44 UTC  

Thank you so much

2017-04-30 15:26:07 UTC  

r e ee

2017-04-30 15:26:08 UTC  

I need those books o.o

2017-04-30 15:26:14 UTC  

Oh hi frendo

2017-04-30 15:26:16 UTC  
