Message from @🌙Ræιкara Nιmbus Dæιmon~

Discord ID: 308950684357623808

2017-05-02 12:53:22 UTC  

There are people with different neural system

2017-05-02 12:53:28 UTC  

That's neurodiversity

Man... I never expected any kind of deep conversation and debate in this channel, especially without me being involved; i'm typically the catalyst for this kind of thing~

2017-05-02 12:53:40 UTC  


... Or was I?

2017-05-02 12:54:09 UTC  

But the fact is : we are virgin hard drives when it all begins

2017-05-02 12:54:09 UTC  

This room smells like piss

2017-05-02 12:54:14 UTC  

Traps aren't gay

Indeed Squishalot.

Traps are quite grey in the sexual realm.

2017-05-02 12:55:00 UTC  

Yeah, I agree with that @Addie BOUH

*i'd argue traps are closer to heterosexuality than homosexuality, actually.*

er, atleast for the people that Sleep with the traps.

The traps them selves are pretty gay.

.... So than, Traps are Gay.

2017-05-02 12:56:14 UTC  

@carlsbad Knowing that, or seeing the world in that manner has to make us question everything, especially our own opinions.

What the fuck just happened

2017-05-02 12:57:06 UTC  

Because this reasoning makes you acknowledge that there are bias, and it is one of the first step in understanding them

So, Traps are Gay, Liking Traps is not Gay.

2017-05-02 13:00:13 UTC  

And all my brain cells are gone

2017-05-02 13:00:15 UTC  

Thank you

2017-05-02 13:05:46 UTC  

all traps are gay

2017-05-02 13:06:17 UTC  

no questions

2017-05-02 13:06:30 UTC  

if you think they arent, then you are an ignorant ngger

The word *nigger* already implies Ignorance.
It's Negro (Black in latin languages) and Ignorant, which is something like Ignorante in latin languages, Combined into one slang word, used to describe how the europeans saw africans as primitive; less than human

2017-05-02 13:12:29 UTC  

'Cause as we all know the rednecks who'd use this term back in those days had a phd in physics right?

It's just redundant calling some one an *ignorant nigger*.
It's also considered bad taste to call Anyone a nigger, for any reason.

Even if they say traps aren't gay.

Well... It wasn't just rednecks

I don't know who started it, but wealthy educated aristicrats and scientists Also used the word *nigger*, and thought of africans as such; as sub-human

And even tried to scientifically Proove that Africans were sub-human.

2017-05-02 13:14:30 UTC  

yeah it was widely accepted back in those days but it was mostly common around south

That's why it was such a widely held belief for so long.\

2017-05-02 13:14:37 UTC  

that's why I tried to make that joke ;P

The *smart* people said so.

2017-05-02 13:15:35 UTC  

Well it turns out smart people don't always back up the truth, they say whatever brings them more profit and money

2017-05-02 13:15:57 UTC  

so supporting the fact that black people are inferior, meant free labour

The Only reasons Africans were generally behind Eurasia, is because the Sahara Desert restricted travel and trade between the lower half of africa, and the rest of the world, untill long distance sea voyaging became more possible and popular.

It's a simple fact of more people more progress.