Message from @Trini Dayana Rivera

Discord ID: 545064276792967170

2019-02-12 03:31:54 UTC  

Pfft, liar, everyone knows wamen can't be assaulters.

2019-02-12 03:32:19 UTC  

She claimed to identify as a man

2019-02-12 03:32:28 UTC  


2019-02-12 03:32:44 UTC  

She made me use male pronouns

2019-02-12 03:32:48 UTC  

Nah m8, story don't check out,

2019-02-12 03:33:02 UTC  


2019-02-12 03:33:17 UTC  

How dare yoo try and rooin the career of a wamen.

2019-02-12 04:20:55 UTC  

@Trini Dayana Rivera either shut up or put up so I can make a fucking video on this.

2019-02-12 15:49:58 UTC  

If ya wanna do a vid on it
I got more material

2019-02-12 16:08:04 UTC  

I found a new copy pasta

2019-02-13 00:58:08 UTC  

Wait, did Leaf's account get suspended again?

2019-02-13 00:59:51 UTC  

Wouldn't know

2019-02-13 01:01:02 UTC  

Haven't bothered to follow past her second(?) account

2019-02-13 01:01:25 UTC  

I can't find her anywhere on Twitter

2019-02-13 01:08:15 UTC  

Wouldn't surprise me if she got banned again. She can't hold a social media account for longer than a year.

2019-02-13 01:09:17 UTC  

It's cuz she tellz da troof, but Twitter don't like dat sheet

2019-02-13 01:10:14 UTC  

Everyone she doesn't like is actually a pedophile/doxxer? What clairvoyance!

2019-02-13 01:12:52 UTC  

It is, especially when you have the screenshots to prove it.

2019-02-13 01:14:32 UTC  

What about that Messiah of Kek guy? I heard he's just the worst! Doxxing a poor, innocent 19 (formerly 28) year-old child!

2019-02-13 01:16:53 UTC  

And he said he'd drive people away, he said so himself.

2019-02-13 02:10:50 UTC  

I'm enjoying watching the english va's kill ea,h other

I'm switching from funimation to Viz media and Sentai Filmworks
Adios Fuckimation

2019-02-13 02:11:18 UTC  

Imma pirate fuckimations content

They don't deserve my dollar

2019-02-13 02:12:07 UTC

2019-02-13 02:29:34 UTC  

That's too much weeb shit for a single post

2019-02-13 02:31:01 UTC  

Sentai filmworks and Viz Media keep their personal opinions to themselves

Look at sentai filmworks' twitter
Yea it's cringe

But also wholsome and cute
They got that happy cutsie type of wholesome weeb vibe
I can do with that

2019-02-13 03:50:37 UTC  

@Trini Dayana Rivera plz explain the Vic whatshisface situation

2019-02-13 03:50:42 UTC  

Am a confuse

2019-02-13 03:51:25 UTC  

Dudes a creep, hugged and kissed fans without consent, among other atrocities.

2019-02-13 03:53:04 UTC  

I also hear that that's a load of shit, and was ousted because "Muh tolerant liberalism"

2019-02-13 03:54:50 UTC  

Nah m8, he's been doing this for decades

2019-02-13 04:49:48 UTC  

Don't listen to krelin

What happened was that people have been falsley accusing him with no proof for decades and now that we are in a climate to where falsley accusing someone out of jealousy or pettiness is popular, they decided to take down a successful and humble man because he's white and male.
Monica Rial, Jamie Marchie and Amanda wynn lee threw him under the bus to better their careers because they didn't like that he's more famous than them

All the so called "evidence" that has been brought is either edited, taken out of context or word of the mouth

Those pictures were stolen of his and they have come out to say that it's all bullshit
Those hugs and kisses were consented and it was nothing more than a peck on the cheek or forehead which in both latin and european families is common to show gratitude, friendship, love and respect and a lot of our generation was taught to fear any form of confrontation at all.

2019-02-13 04:52:00 UTC  

I know I have to record a females consent just to talk to them, for legal reasons you know?

2019-02-13 04:55:45 UTC  

I'm not gonna beliece he said she said
If that were the case the entire population would be in jail because some random person said someone committed a crime when they didn't.

It's salem witch trials logic.


2019-02-13 04:57:48 UTC  

I mean, look at Bill chosby, he was doing awful things for decades and only just recently has da publick taken this stuff cerealously.

2019-02-13 05:01:47 UTC  

I never cared for bill cosby tbh so I didn't do too much research on that one

I don't approve of waiting years upon years to bring this story to light
Idgaf what your worries are

You are a coward for not reporting it when it happened and a liar if it didn't happen

And before you say "Well what would you do if your job was on the line?" Fuck that acting job
I'm snitchin if it happened to me. Y'all are fucki.g cowards and on the same level as your offendor for allowing it to happen to more victins

2019-02-13 05:05:42 UTC  

Sure, being blacklisted from an industry that pays decently enough is totally worth being accused as a liar, and not being believed in the court of public opinion, unless enough of us can't take it anymore.

2019-02-13 05:08:22 UTC  

Don't care if I'm black listed.
I'd rather work in a dead end job the rest of my life if it means my offendor either gets put behind bars or is at least shunned by the public.

I'm.pretty sure I got more balls than any kf these so called "Victims"

If it really happened you'd report it right then and there.

You are a coward if it did happen, a liar if it didn't.

2019-02-13 05:08:55 UTC  

You wouldn't know what it's like until it happens to you.

2019-02-13 05:10:22 UTC  

Go ahead
Let it happen to me.
I'd report it right then and there because it's the right thing to do.
I'm.not an idiot and I don't fear blacklists.
I'm not a coward

2019-02-13 05:10:45 UTC  

Don't forget the public shaming youd get

2019-02-13 05:10:53 UTC  

And the insults