Message from @Tom Bombadil
Discord ID: 442526535258341377
yes that was an old one
that acct was me figuring out twitter
i wish i could delete it honestly
it's a cool name
they want my phone number for it
so i haven't logged into it in like what 2 years
i never give my phone number, you can just skip i think
they "detected" it as a bot
$20/hr? Pfffft. Try selling fear-based religion. Much more lucrative.
running a cult is a full time job
20/hr for part time is very good
Internet doom and gloom PayPal game runs its self once you write a few expose articles
Kind of fun too
what do you mean
like new age shit for facebook people?
No there isn’t money in that those ppl are poor
i was about to say
Write articles about seeing Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson in Hell
About coming judgment over America. Reference Syria or North Korea enough to get a normie hooked
Usually talk about North Korea bombing us... in this case the peace agreement can just be spinned as their prayers and donations workinf
Gets a certain audience who thinks organized religion is bullshit but have a enough fear ingrained that they will binge those sort of articles and even give money to assuage it
Catholic school kids. Children of holy rollers
@MentalSyntaxError what do u do?
i dont want to say
most of it is in tips
@mattforney my jew friend who is ex-proudboys left the PBs because gavin mcinness whined about him posting "nazi" shit
I used to believe the "> hurr durr pootin iz baesd" shit until Anatoly Karlin opened my eyes recently
I call bullshit. I landed in the square yet I still don't care much.
Apparently my math professor thinks there's actually people trying to legalize murder and rape...
@Gratowl lol
He reacts about Trump often in class. He is a math professor. Not a social science one. He also sounds like he was a hippie back in the day.
wait, your math prof is a GUY? lmao
Yes. He's a dude.
Damn, torn...Matt still on Luke Ford and Roosh started to stream
This is the second Luke Ford stream I have listened to. I like it
well, that was weird