Message from @Krokulyte

Discord ID: 315950495237931008

2017-05-21 20:33:09 UTC  

i would waste my ass with murdoc

2017-05-21 20:33:10 UTC  


2017-05-21 20:33:17 UTC  

One blocked message from a silly

2017-05-21 20:33:21 UTC  

he gave weapons to militants to take on assad and then after they turned on us

2017-05-21 20:33:23 UTC  

are you going to argue that evolution is a lie @Deleted User

2017-05-21 20:33:29 UTC  

I ordered pizza. Hope everyone likes pepperoni

2017-05-21 20:33:29 UTC  

l o l

2017-05-21 20:33:30 UTC  


2017-05-21 20:33:35 UTC  

Evolution is a lie created by jews

2017-05-21 20:33:36 UTC  

Who knows what that silly bean will say nect

2017-05-21 20:33:41 UTC  

Ew meat!

2017-05-21 20:33:45 UTC  

Jk peloton os gOofs

2017-05-21 20:33:51 UTC  

Who's to say it's not a lie made up by the liberal elite? :^)

2017-05-21 20:33:58 UTC  

im getting a headache from this

2017-05-21 20:34:01 UTC  

Homosexuality was a mental disorder intill the 1970s then they went PC

2017-05-21 20:34:07 UTC  

i wish people could have a civil discussion

2017-05-21 20:34:13 UTC  

@Krokulyte what do you want from me

2017-05-21 20:34:13 UTC  

me too

2017-05-21 20:34:24 UTC  

Their is nothing natural about fucking your own sex, evolutionarly speaking

2017-05-21 20:34:26 UTC  

Yes civil discussion pls

2017-05-21 20:34:28 UTC  

@carlsbad nothing i just thought it would be cool to have you a frined

2017-05-21 20:34:28 UTC  

i'm becoming r e t a r d e d from this

2017-05-21 20:34:30 UTC  


2017-05-21 20:34:36 UTC  

sorry for all the typos

2017-05-21 20:34:36 UTC  

Civil discussion went out the window a LONG time ago

2017-05-21 20:34:40 UTC  

im very tired

2017-05-21 20:34:47 UTC  

I'm pretty sure Führer is also an anti-vaxxer

2017-05-21 20:34:49 UTC  

Civil discussion!nn!!

2017-05-21 20:34:59 UTC  

Führer is pro-vape

2017-05-21 20:35:00 UTC  

Charlie added me

2017-05-21 20:35:03 UTC  


2017-05-21 20:35:09 UTC  

my mom vapes

2017-05-21 20:35:10 UTC  

" anti vaxer" "climate change denier"

2017-05-21 20:35:11 UTC  

He said I was cool

2017-05-21 20:35:14 UTC  

I want to vape

2017-05-21 20:35:18 UTC  

what other buzzwords can he come up with

2017-05-21 20:35:21 UTC  

you dont need to vape

2017-05-21 20:35:22 UTC  

civil discussion is no longer a thing in 2017

2017-05-21 20:35:24 UTC  

go on

2017-05-21 20:35:25 UTC  

Hitting the smoothest vapes of 2019

2017-05-21 20:35:27 UTC  

unless you are getting off sigs