Message from @Tiamatfleisch
Discord ID: 550406665355132973
Check this out
He's sacrificed the most 😌
wow, he still hasn't hit rock bottom yet...
he HAS hit rock bottom and he's now tunneling through to the earth's core
Then the pagans all started shouting
This was the only thing I ever said in his server 🤣
Then he kicke me
And then he removed all public links to the server as far as i could tell
But believe me, it's thick with pagans in there
They were all dabbing on Roosh V as well, Heithruuen was saying Roosh V has a 'weak face'
we know from other screencaps
I wish I was still in there, it was very amusing ; - ;
Based Republic of Greater Louisiana will sweep the scum from Chicago and Detroit and will assert its dominance from Michigan to Quebec. LOUISIANA REPUBLIC FOREVER!!!!!!!
Don't worry, he will never find me.
Real Russian propaganda
This week its good times with Zirkon. What is Zirkon? its the name of a missle system that fucks your shit up and has a reach of 600 Miles and is over 100 miles per minute fast. If this thing is real, its game over.
The bullshit Alex is ranting about is 1) Real, 2) Really believed by the Elite and 3) A result of rejecting God
A bit of all
Guys wtf is this.
I got a fucking haircut and then took a shower....what the shit was this guy thinking? It looks fine when it's combed but I just burn the shop down or wtf?
I think you now have to go marching with tiki torches around confederate statues
no, @BrydenProctor has to go shoot up a black church
Ah, well either way you aren't cool enough to hang out with us anymore, you have to go sit at the wignat table
Pribably not best to have shoulder pics
My fat ass shoulders
Maybe this is better but like is thia some fucking hair cut shit? Like nigga make it the same length
I got a long ass head
I have body dysmorphia I think. I don't know whats going on and I hate myself but that hair is fucked up