Message from @j_s
Discord ID: 551486179783082005
So yeah, RamzPaul can go fuck right out of a helicopter.
if anyone says UBI before Star Trek replicators, run
About 30 min to launch
Fuck this guy
the only good he can do is to be the left wing spoiler that is needed to help secure Trump 2020
Paul did a 10 minute video and about 3:00 in he admits he “doesn’t know all his positions”
There are 200 million white people in the US and Ramzpaul and the Wignats are mad Trump doesn’t talk specifically about “our people” lol
Lol yeah retards are all up Andrew Yangs ass
Just go fuckint vote Democrat. Like I just don't give a shit about these retards anymore
Vote Democrat to own the tech industry
I thought they were all in 4 Tulsi... Based woman of color who is a Bernie-sis
they vacillate between the two
also how the fuck is Tulsi Gabbard a "woman of color"?
her father was part Samoan and part white, and her mother was 100 percent white, so genetically she's anywhere from 50-75 percent white
They really like tulsi because shes anti israel
And I think she said something not nice about gays once
@mattforney Also at this point, the Jordanian royal family is probably going to end up looking more white then the British royals
Tom Bombadil has no need of weapons
preview of the next show:
So @mattforney you have been outed as a "bottom-feeder" by Greg. How do you respond?
Greg's personal life is leaking into his speech. He surely knows a lot about eating from the bottom.
@j_s : I say to that, because Matt seems to bne not here (or not care): Grindr Greg is
@j_s lol wut
No fedpoasting in this server
The feds will be so disappointed.. They have an entire multi-agency federal task force dedicated to the Matt Forney server.
Fedpoasting is against Discord's Terms of Service and could get me banned. If you want to fedpoast, do it elsewhere.
might talk about this on Wednesday
No child support for you