Message from @TradCat
Discord ID: 551193096889696256
wow nick blueballed us and didnt show up very sad
should I do a stream about Hunter Wallace? I suspect he's behind many of the pro-Spencer wignat accounts
and I haven't really talked about him
there's a lot of tea to spill on that weirdo
Having Richard Spencer on is like putting your dick in crazy, you just don't do it
who twitch viewer here?
Fuck Twitch, I can never get it to work
anyone here know anything about setting up RetroArch? I've been trying to get PCSX Reloaded to work so I can play/stream PlayStation games, but whenever I try to play Spyro the Dragon, the damn thing stutters so much it's unplayable
pretty sure it's not my computer specs because I've run PlayStation emulators before on older computers that worked just fine
retroarch is just a frontend for emulation, so the first thing you should do is install pcsx reloaded stand alone and try getting it working there, then go to retroarch and configure accordingly. If i had to guess it might be the internal rendering resolution being too high or some other upscaling setting.
*whispering* dude.... if only, like.......... aryan saddam hussein came to america to institute dharma ba'athism....... like, all the cucks, would go away............ sorry my parents are here gotta go *mic crinkles with static*
Does anyone in the UK need more evidence to get the hell out?
Spoiler: People there are waiting for shit to go apeshit and explode.
noo nick nooooo
"If their success on Tuesday carries over to the April runoff election, as many as five members of the Democratic Socialists of America could be on the Chicago City Council — the most in more than a century, reports the Chicago Sun-Times."
Too many people supporting “based Asian” Andrew Yang.
Yeah, fighting for the white working class while advocating:
1. The DREAM act
2. Funding for journalists
3. “Protected class” status for LQTBQ and make believe genders
4. “Common sense” gun safety
5. The Climate change hoax
6. More federal funding for (((the arts)))
7. Pathway to citizenship
8. Abortion
9. Equal pay scam
10. Increase (government anti-white) teacher salaries
11. Legalize marijuana
12. More gibs for single moms
13. Revitalization of malls (because lots of whites hang out there and totally not Somalian criminality)
@mattforney I have a feeling Hunter Wallace is trolling me on Twitter, he argued with me about “his guys” doing nothing wrong by fighting rich Jewish kids (aka Antifa) in the street
@Right_Honourable Yeah. After I saw that video I’ve decided once and for all, fuck RamzPaul
@ian It’s like they’re too lazy to read his platform. Just because he doesn’t mention Israel they love him.
Paul being a bipolar faggot on the wall shit was one thing, but him actively supporting a candidate that is objectively our enemy is shameful. It’s no different from Spencer throwing his lot in with Harris and Omar.
So yeah, RamzPaul can go fuck right out of a helicopter.
if anyone says UBI before Star Trek replicators, run
About 30 min to launch
Fuck this guy
the only good he can do is to be the left wing spoiler that is needed to help secure Trump 2020
Paul did a 10 minute video and about 3:00 in he admits he “doesn’t know all his positions”
There are 200 million white people in the US and Ramzpaul and the Wignats are mad Trump doesn’t talk specifically about “our people” lol
Lol yeah retards are all up Andrew Yangs ass
Just go fuckint vote Democrat. Like I just don't give a shit about these retards anymore
Vote Democrat to own the tech industry
I thought they were all in 4 Tulsi... Based woman of color who is a Bernie-sis