Message from @AthenaAscending

Discord ID: 365047167850643467

2017-10-04 06:25:23 UTC  

hooley dooley

2017-10-04 06:27:39 UTC  

oh ho

2017-10-04 06:27:42 UTC  


2017-10-04 06:27:49 UTC  

I'm still a regular

2017-10-04 07:56:58 UTC  

Hey everyone

2017-10-04 08:01:07 UTC  

Whats his name who shot all those people in vegas isent shit compared to little boy who killed thousands of people and leveled lots of building one day in hiroshima japan 1945

2017-10-04 08:01:27 UTC  

you mean a fucking nuclear bomb

2017-10-04 08:02:09 UTC  

Little Boy and Fat Man combined killed over 180,000 people but they were also *bombs*

2017-10-04 08:02:10 UTC  

Yes so saying vegas is worst mass killings ever is wrong

2017-10-04 08:02:29 UTC  

no theyre saying worst mass shooting in american history

2017-10-04 08:02:50 UTC  

Not really that would go to the world wars

2017-10-04 08:02:54 UTC  


2017-10-04 08:03:06 UTC  

A mass shooting in AMERICA

2017-10-04 08:03:25 UTC  

and a mass shooting is a shooting of a mass number of people within 24 hours

2017-10-04 08:04:18 UTC  

the one possible way you could justify your point could maybe be the invasion of america by the europeans but even thats a stretch

2017-10-04 08:04:52 UTC  

"in american history" means on american soil within recorded history

2017-10-04 08:04:55 UTC  

I wasent trying to justify anything i was just saying things that came to mind

2017-10-04 08:05:24 UTC  

Otherwise you could say the biggest mass killing ever in history was when a meteor killed all the dinosaurs

2017-10-04 08:05:59 UTC  

or the other few mass extinction events

2017-10-04 08:06:50 UTC  

Meteor only started the perfect chain of events that killed the dinos it didint do the killings entirely by itself

2017-10-04 08:07:07 UTC  

no shit sherlock i was making a point

2017-10-04 09:18:41 UTC  

Cant reason with retards.

2017-10-04 09:18:57 UTC  

This IS the biggest mass shooting in AMERICAN HISTORY

2017-10-04 09:21:46 UTC  


2017-10-04 09:23:10 UTC  


2017-10-04 11:00:19 UTC  

beta sucks

2017-10-04 11:01:29 UTC  

the mass shooting happened on my birthday

2017-10-04 11:32:19 UTC  

Great birthday present tbh

2017-10-04 11:33:04 UTC  

why doesn'y america just get rid of guns?

2017-10-04 11:37:58 UTC  

Because when Tyrone’s raping my tv and stealing my wife at 3am what am I supposed to do?

2017-10-04 11:44:13 UTC  

Rape Tyrone

2017-10-04 14:55:45 UTC  

The bible should be one sheet of paper,
And on that sheet of paper it should say,
"Try not to be a cunt"

2017-10-04 14:57:25 UTC  

i agree

2017-10-04 15:38:34 UTC  

t. Gay baby

2017-10-04 15:45:16 UTC  

@KylorC sound yourself with a fucking teaspoon

2017-10-04 15:53:11 UTC  

Morning, cunts.

2017-10-04 16:13:59 UTC  

```The bible should be one sheet of paper,
And on that sheet of paper it should say,
"Try not to be a cunt"

2017-10-04 16:16:30 UTC  

Oh hi there

2017-10-04 16:41:49 UTC  

Hey niggys

2017-10-04 19:41:14 UTC  


2017-10-04 19:57:52 UTC  

Yes let's get rid of guns retard.