Message from @Shattered

Discord ID: 365235951406022659

2017-10-04 11:33:04 UTC  

why doesn'y america just get rid of guns?

2017-10-04 11:37:58 UTC  

Because when Tyrone’s raping my tv and stealing my wife at 3am what am I supposed to do?

2017-10-04 11:44:13 UTC  

Rape Tyrone

2017-10-04 14:55:45 UTC  

The bible should be one sheet of paper,
And on that sheet of paper it should say,
"Try not to be a cunt"

2017-10-04 14:57:25 UTC  

i agree

2017-10-04 15:38:34 UTC  

t. Gay baby

2017-10-04 15:45:16 UTC  

@KylorC sound yourself with a fucking teaspoon

2017-10-04 15:53:11 UTC  

Morning, cunts.

2017-10-04 16:13:59 UTC  

```The bible should be one sheet of paper,
And on that sheet of paper it should say,
"Try not to be a cunt"

2017-10-04 16:16:30 UTC  

Oh hi there

2017-10-04 16:41:49 UTC  

Hey niggys

2017-10-04 19:41:14 UTC  


2017-10-04 19:57:52 UTC  

Yes let's get rid of guns retard.

2017-10-04 20:36:32 UTC  

I just triggered dozens of SJWs a while ago when I said that Nazi punching was wrong

2017-10-04 20:36:48 UTC  

well gotta tolerate all minorities...

2017-10-04 20:36:49 UTC  

the debate became chaotic and disgusting. I was insulted and called a nazi repeatedly. It

2017-10-04 20:36:55 UTC  

was shit

2017-10-04 20:37:00 UTC  

lol insult back... you know how butthurt they get

2017-10-04 20:37:05 UTC  

use your power!

2017-10-04 20:37:15 UTC  


2017-10-04 20:37:16 UTC  

hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha *infinitely demonic laugh*

2017-10-04 20:37:21 UTC  

There was only ONE person who was acting civil.

2017-10-04 20:37:25 UTC  

*Maybe* two.

2017-10-04 20:37:57 UTC  

thats always a thing

2017-10-04 20:38:04 UTC  

those who think of becoming social justice apostates

2017-10-04 20:38:13 UTC  

but they are too afraid, yet

2017-10-04 20:38:48 UTC  


2017-10-04 20:38:59 UTC  

I know its not good to let stuff get to you easily especially on the internet

2017-10-04 20:39:22 UTC  

but its hard to deal with (at least for me) having your notifcations flooded with people calling you a nazi and an idiot.

2017-10-04 20:39:25 UTC  

ofc not...

2017-10-04 20:39:29 UTC  

insult them back

2017-10-04 20:39:36 UTC  

I posted a Hitler meme

2017-10-04 20:39:39 UTC  

does that count? XD

2017-10-04 20:39:44 UTC  

that triggered them over the edge HOLY shit

2017-10-04 20:40:06 UTC  

more! xD

2017-10-04 20:40:26 UTC  

pretty funny imo

2017-10-04 20:40:37 UTC  

I just triggered dozens of SJWs

2017-10-04 20:40:42 UTC  

they always act like theyre as angry as one can get

2017-10-04 20:40:49 UTC  

like youve committed a murder

2017-10-04 20:40:51 UTC  

do you leave your house frilly

2017-10-04 20:41:08 UTC  

then you post something else and they discover new sides of themselves in endless anger