Message from @dani(el)

Discord ID: 366829469727588352

2017-10-09 06:07:05 UTC  


2017-10-09 06:07:08 UTC  

You’re like a female leafy with half the comedic value

2017-10-09 06:07:17 UTC  

There’s like 10 women on the planet who don’t deserve to be shot

2017-10-09 06:07:19 UTC  

And that's saying somethin

2017-10-09 06:07:45 UTC  

@dani(el) i dont give a shit, block me ❤

2017-10-09 06:07:45 UTC  

Jaume aw thanks im glad im insufferable ❤

2017-10-09 06:07:57 UTC  

you should read your bible

2017-10-09 06:08:11 UTC  

“Haha block me sweaty 😏”

2017-10-09 06:08:14 UTC  

yall need to repent

2017-10-09 06:08:17 UTC  

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. " Hebrews 13:4

2017-10-09 06:08:19 UTC  

She already acts like a birth control guzzling thot

2017-10-09 06:08:29 UTC  

I just like watching the in fighting 😃

2017-10-09 06:08:37 UTC  

God was the original thot patrol

2017-10-09 06:08:43 UTC  

only stupid people give out their age online mate

2017-10-09 06:08:46 UTC  

i thought I'd never get laid tho @dani(el) 🤔

2017-10-09 06:08:49 UTC  

wow an actual follower in here I'm not alone

2017-10-09 06:09:03 UTC  

You’re fucking retarded if you think I was trying to insult you with that

2017-10-09 06:09:09 UTC  

***good thing im a fucking retard*** im 17 bordering 18.@ jaume

2017-10-09 06:09:10 UTC  

I told you no one here wants to fuck you because you’re 11

2017-10-09 06:09:19 UTC  

You have no sex appeal and you fucking shouldn’t

2017-10-09 06:09:20 UTC  

You’re 11

2017-10-09 06:09:23 UTC  

Get it together

2017-10-09 06:09:31 UTC  


2017-10-09 06:09:39 UTC  

@dani(el) am i never gonna get laid, or a birth control guzzling thot, make up your mind

2017-10-09 06:09:46 UTC  

I said you act like one

2017-10-09 06:09:50 UTC  

Fucking read

2017-10-09 06:09:54 UTC  

Nice homeschool education

2017-10-09 06:10:04 UTC  

Try not using content cop as a basis for real arguments

2017-10-09 06:10:13 UTC  


2017-10-09 06:10:46 UTC  

@dani(el) once again, I dont give a shit, block me ❤

2017-10-09 06:10:54 UTC  

Why would I block you

2017-10-09 06:11:04 UTC  

You’re too fucking insignificant for me to want to block you

2017-10-09 06:11:12 UTC  

You don’t make me uncomfortable you just make me glad I’m not a father

2017-10-09 06:11:19 UTC  

This is honestly fucking sad, you're so incomprehensible and repetitive and your defense mechanisms like "Idc and I'm done" are weaker than the hull of the fucking Titanic.

2017-10-09 06:11:27 UTC  

I have no idea what kind of disabled your parents must have to be to allow you to live like this

2017-10-09 06:11:29 UTC  

Hot? er.. i think thats up to you to decide. some people think i am others think im an ugly fatass so

2017-10-09 06:11:36 UTC  

This HAHAOK girl still breathing?

2017-10-09 06:11:56 UTC  

Any fat girls you don’t want send them my way

2017-10-09 06:12:00 UTC  

I like them diabetic

2017-10-09 06:12:07 UTC  


2017-10-09 06:12:11 UTC  

we warned of this