Message from @nubbie

Discord ID: 369696684776751104

2017-10-17 03:59:37 UTC  

she literally paid physical cash for something so fucking dumb

2017-10-17 03:59:39 UTC  

I can't

2017-10-17 03:59:48 UTC  


2017-10-17 03:59:50 UTC  


2017-10-17 03:59:56 UTC  

was the person e-begging?

2017-10-17 04:00:17 UTC  

No, oh wait I forgot

2017-10-17 04:00:24 UTC  

she wasn't the only who paid physical cash

2017-10-17 04:00:27 UTC  

she made her boyfriend

2017-10-17 04:00:31 UTC  

well, now her ex

2017-10-17 04:00:38 UTC  

pay physical cash for fake money

2017-10-17 04:00:42 UTC  

and no

2017-10-17 04:00:46 UTC  

it was for her dumb avatar

2017-10-17 04:01:22 UTC  

her ex was literally used for the last year

2017-10-17 04:01:56 UTC  

like at one point she realized she didn't love him anymore and wasted his time

2017-10-17 04:01:59 UTC  

i have no faith in people

2017-10-17 04:02:05 UTC  


2017-10-17 04:02:11 UTC  

all due respect

2017-10-17 04:02:18 UTC  

your friend is a cunt

2017-10-17 04:02:21 UTC  


2017-10-17 04:02:23 UTC  

pretty much

2017-10-17 04:02:38 UTC  

you know he literally woke up at 7AM to drive her to her therapist for a week

2017-10-17 04:02:44 UTC  

cuntier than me

2017-10-17 04:02:45 UTC  

and it was a 2 hour drive

2017-10-17 04:02:48 UTC  

and that says alot

2017-10-17 04:03:00 UTC  

all that gas and money he spent at least $1000 on her

2017-10-17 04:03:06 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised if it was more tbh

2017-10-17 04:03:13 UTC  

probs more

2017-10-17 04:03:26 UTC  


2017-10-17 04:03:40 UTC  

she also uses depression as an excuse

2017-10-17 04:03:44 UTC  

***for everything***

2017-10-17 04:03:52 UTC  

"I can't get a job because I'm depressed"

2017-10-17 04:03:58 UTC  

"I can't get a license because I'm depressed"

2017-10-17 04:04:01 UTC  

This is why MGTOW makes sense.

2017-10-17 04:04:04 UTC  

why are you friends with this person?

2017-10-17 04:04:14 UTC  

I honestly can't tell you how I even met her

2017-10-17 04:04:27 UTC  

She's honestly also the most boring

2017-10-17 04:04:30 UTC  

person you can ever meet

2017-10-17 04:04:37 UTC  

All she talks about is her cat

2017-10-17 04:04:41 UTC  

and gaia

2017-10-17 04:04:54 UTC  

and proof that 99% of women are compulsive liars. They lie and manipulate to get their wag just like how men use strength to get their way.

2017-10-17 04:04:55 UTC  

I been outcunted