Message from @FlareFlicker

Discord ID: 372569534659559426

2017-10-25 02:09:35 UTC  

Unless you bought IRL then L

2017-10-25 02:09:43 UTC  

Always buy digital

2017-10-25 02:09:57 UTC  

I got disj

2017-10-25 02:10:03 UTC  


2017-10-25 02:10:06 UTC  


2017-10-25 02:10:12 UTC  

refund if you can

2017-10-25 02:10:19 UTC  

i ca nnot wait to do raids

2017-10-25 02:10:38 UTC  

I mean my brother has it on PS4 plus a few of my friends from the Air Force have it as well that I play with

2017-10-25 02:10:51 UTC  

If you have the cash who cares

2017-10-25 02:10:54 UTC  

And I already have a level 20 character with good gear 😑

2017-10-25 02:10:57 UTC  

But you'll end up playing one over the other

2017-10-25 02:11:02 UTC  

That's how it always be

2017-10-25 02:12:42 UTC  

I'll wait until I get my tattoo and plane tickets to my next base before I buy any more games

2017-10-25 02:13:01 UTC  

I don't usually buy duplicates but this may be an exception

2017-10-25 02:16:22 UTC

2017-10-25 02:16:31 UTC  


2017-10-25 02:16:35 UTC  

dammit facebook

2017-10-25 02:16:41 UTC  

first time i've ever been suspended

2017-10-25 02:17:33 UTC  

did @Sir Aggie's dad ever respond?

2017-10-25 02:17:43 UTC  

```Hi there!
I love you, all!
Have a nice day, everyone!

2017-10-25 02:18:19 UTC  

Bruh this lethal person added my in a group chat trying to get me to join that server wtf

2017-10-25 02:22:55 UTC  

there is someone named theking now who messaged me in a DM from this server to join a discord too @FlareFlicker

2017-10-25 02:25:29 UTC  

ugh i wish i could play destiny right now. but ap econ refuses to let me : /

2017-10-25 02:26:56 UTC  

I need help

2017-10-25 02:27:07 UTC  

Is anyone able to call or like talk

2017-10-25 02:27:09 UTC  


2017-10-25 02:27:46 UTC  

What do u need help with

2017-10-25 02:30:39 UTC  

Ok no ty

2017-10-25 02:46:11 UTC  

never understood why people walk into a store 1 minute before closing

2017-10-25 02:47:35 UTC  

maybe they just got off work

2017-10-25 02:47:46 UTC  

and have to get something last minute

2017-10-25 02:47:48 UTC  

and want a full computer setup that takes 30 minutes?

2017-10-25 02:48:02 UTC  

when people are quick in and out, then whatever thats no biggie

2017-10-25 02:48:22 UTC  

but when people want something that takes a long time, like a full appliance set and shit?

2017-10-25 02:49:59 UTC  

little bit much

2017-10-25 02:50:50 UTC  

if hell was a thing, those people would have a special place in it.

2017-10-25 02:51:08 UTC  

its just kind of a dick move

2017-10-25 02:51:52 UTC  

there was a lady that was in the store for nearly an hour after we closed, looking for computers n shit, and when she finally made up her mind, her card got declined

2017-10-25 02:53:52 UTC  

dude i would have gotten so pissed. you must have the patience of a saint.

2017-10-25 02:53:59 UTC  

Blizzard says I cant own destiny because its overloaded

2017-10-25 02:58:39 UTC  
