Message from @Richard

Discord ID: 383481321403449345

2017-11-24 04:47:03 UTC  

either way youtube is saying it was on them

2017-11-24 04:47:34 UTC  

They tweeted saying they did it, but they also said that they wouldn't give iDubbbz's channel back unless he retweeted them, which he didn't, and iDubbbz's channel is back, so. Plus yes, YT claimed the resposibility which is over anything else

2017-11-24 04:51:37 UTC  

Lizard Squad is a bunch of useless wastes of life.

2017-11-24 04:51:45 UTC  

They wastes their skills for petty reasons

2017-11-24 04:52:01 UTC  

instead of using it in real life applications they involve themselves in internet drama

2017-11-24 04:53:09 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:55:08 UTC  

If I had their skills, I would apply them to a white hat security job and actually make something of myself.

2017-11-24 04:55:49 UTC  

As if black hat doesn't make more

2017-11-24 04:55:50 UTC  

they hav no skill

2017-11-24 04:55:57 UTC  

jus strength in numbers

2017-11-24 04:56:14 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:56:32 UTC  

Even if you have 500 people it doesn't necessarily mean you can hack

2017-11-24 04:56:34 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:56:42 UTC  

They can make a lot, but it has bad job security

2017-11-24 04:56:53 UTC  

means you cant get stopped as easily

2017-11-24 04:56:55 UTC  

it has risk

2017-11-24 04:57:15 UTC  

you a lone wolf you can just get picked off, you got an org, you can spread out

2017-11-24 04:57:18 UTC  

you can actually get more from a white hat job

2017-11-24 04:57:38 UTC  

yeah but whats the fun in white hat

2017-11-24 04:57:46 UTC  

chaos is fun

2017-11-24 04:57:51 UTC  

then do both

2017-11-24 04:57:57 UTC  

when you are the one causing it

2017-11-24 04:58:02 UTC  

At work you are simply known as Dale

2017-11-24 04:58:04 UTC  

but by night

2017-11-24 04:58:06 UTC  

You are

2017-11-24 04:58:12 UTC  

Rusty Shackleford

2017-11-24 04:59:42 UTC  

Lol white hat you're looking at at salary

2017-11-24 05:00:06 UTC  

Vs being on your own time and working per job

2017-11-24 05:00:07 UTC  

75,000 average

2017-11-24 05:00:21 UTC  

High risk high reward

2017-11-24 05:06:29 UTC  

Welp, nighters all, hope I didn't annoy everyone too much with trying to keep things updated. Rep I hope you get your channel back asap, I've got your back dude.

2017-11-24 05:16:17 UTC  

What did I miss

2017-11-24 05:23:32 UTC  

i know they say that but it looks too limited to be a glitch

2017-11-24 05:24:42 UTC  

like if its an algrithm glitch then why so limited

2017-11-24 05:24:58 UTC  

Its a glitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2017-11-24 05:26:13 UTC  

Oh? Are they? seems about right.

2017-11-24 05:26:36 UTC  


2017-11-24 05:29:58 UTC  

i wonder if she can form sexual relations

2017-11-24 05:36:05 UTC  

aye id take a yandere robot

2017-11-24 05:36:40 UTC  

also if you reprogrammed her to want to fuck would it be considered rape?