Message from @33

Discord ID: 410884812195495946

2018-02-07 19:44:55 UTC  

Thats why he was appointed

2018-02-07 19:44:55 UTC  

Because trump magically fixes everything

2018-02-07 19:44:58 UTC  

I don't need to explain it

2018-02-07 19:44:59 UTC  

just google it

2018-02-07 19:45:07 UTC  

are links allowed in here?

2018-02-07 19:45:22 UTC  

I'm sorry but you're wrong again.

2018-02-07 19:45:45 UTC  

i'm not 100% sure on the source but it's his qoutes so

2018-02-07 19:46:09 UTC  

it's like 6:50am so i don't want ot be researchign too much tbh

2018-02-07 19:46:11 UTC  

That's not any information about any job increase

2018-02-07 19:46:16 UTC  

yes there is

2018-02-07 19:46:16 UTC  

That's just what he said he was going to do

2018-02-07 19:46:30 UTC  

he plannedo n movign jobs from offshore

2018-02-07 19:47:01 UTC  

Trump is making america great again the liberals just dont want america to be great

2018-02-07 19:47:18 UTC  

they dont want to see us winning

2018-02-07 19:47:25 UTC  

Removing Net Neutrality meant that data and websites could be classified as individual commodities instead of there being a relatively flat rate for the same thing. This will essentially force companies to drop their prices and compete for the consumers dollar

2018-02-07 19:48:18 UTC  

If the company doesnt drop its prices it'll be swallowed up by its competitor, thats just the free market

2018-02-07 19:48:51 UTC  

The US is not a free market

2018-02-07 19:49:08 UTC  

The "free market" has never existed in the contemporary world

2018-02-07 19:49:23 UTC  

Also it's not going to do shit because ISPs still have split territory

2018-02-07 19:49:33 UTC  

Most people only have access to 1 or 2 ISPs in their area

2018-02-07 19:54:00 UTC  

The US is very much a free market in the contemporary world, its one of the closest to a total free market to have existed so far. And while the 1 or 2 ISPs may be true, it allows more competition overall so if a bigger business advertised that they provide better and cheaper services than the local ISP people are more likely to flock to tge better deal, putting the local isps at risk of being bought

2018-02-07 19:54:34 UTC  

The point is for the consumer to get the better end of the deal

2018-02-07 19:56:09 UTC  

to be honest im not paying for youtube and to look for information , i'd pay for internet speed for downloads and load ups of all sites but i aint buying another tv.

2018-02-07 19:58:20 UTC  

If majority is in favor if neutrality and if they try to repeal good luck on the economy and the world in general.

2018-02-07 20:01:34 UTC  

I honestly don't put myself in internet arguments or drama. Quick tip: (It's the internet, you can literally pull yourself out of it)

2018-02-07 20:01:34 UTC  

"In economics, a free market is an idealized system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers, in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government, price-setting monopoly, or other authority."

2018-02-07 20:02:17 UTC  

The US has plenty of regulations and government operated or subsidized services

2018-02-07 20:03:18 UTC  

And who is removing some of those regulations? Or at the least pushing for the removal of regulations?

2018-02-07 20:05:25 UTC  

President Trump ran on an economic platform, and promised to bring back jobs and secure the border, those were his biggest points, and he gained the support of the middle class who wanted those things. He won and so far has been keeping his promises.

2018-02-07 20:06:30 UTC  

Yeah, and then some

2018-02-07 20:06:30 UTC  

yeah he ran on a economically populist platform, pictured himself as the outside candidate, which most americans want

2018-02-07 20:06:36 UTC  

Like sending missiles to syria

2018-02-07 20:07:23 UTC  

Stay on economics since you seemed to have trouble with others getting off topic earlier please

2018-02-07 20:07:25 UTC  

@Wrds And they were retarded enough to fall for that idea

2018-02-07 20:07:30 UTC  

yes they were

2018-02-07 20:08:38 UTC  

It's pointless to argue with a libertardian that thinks the market will magically regulate itself

2018-02-07 20:08:44 UTC  

And you keep on bringing up irrelevant points

2018-02-07 20:09:36 UTC  

Because "sent missles to Syria" isn't an irrelevant point in an economic discussion

2018-02-07 20:09:52 UTC  

Our military activity is a bigger concern to me at the moment honestly