Message from @dani(el)

Discord ID: 475829671754465283

2018-08-06 00:37:37 UTC  

bish it took me 90seconds

2018-08-06 00:37:47 UTC  

fuk you with your sausage fingers

2018-08-06 00:37:59 UTC  

90 seconds feels like 20 minuets to me

2018-08-06 00:38:02 UTC  

You know this

2018-08-06 00:38:30 UTC  

I keep hearing ppl say that its cheap to live in vegas

2018-08-06 00:38:39 UTC  

Idk if that's true lol

2018-08-06 00:38:41 UTC  

it iz

2018-08-06 00:38:42 UTC  


2018-08-06 00:38:45 UTC  

Are you perhaps a fly lewis

2018-08-06 00:38:49 UTC  

Your time perception

2018-08-06 00:38:59 UTC  

That or stoned as fuck

2018-08-06 00:39:14 UTC  

Lol jokes on you I can’t read lol

2018-08-06 00:42:12 UTC  


2018-08-06 00:43:18 UTC  

Anywhere around here that's cheap typically are off the grid so that means you have no utilities at all. No wifi, no sewage, etc etc. If you're lucky you have a well but kiss that sweet electricity goodbye unless you feel like dealing with a generator

2018-08-06 00:48:35 UTC  

*The hero reads a most unsettling passage*

2018-08-06 00:54:19 UTC  

Just move to somewhere cheap

2018-08-06 00:54:33 UTC  

Don't live in an expensive ass area with no decent job or talent and expect to get by

2018-08-06 00:54:53 UTC  


2018-08-06 00:56:46 UTC  

Sure when I get the money to move to the shithole that is the center of america lol

2018-08-06 00:57:03 UTC  

Anyway I don't need to worry about any of that personally

2018-08-06 00:57:14 UTC  

Cheap areas aren't just mid America

2018-08-06 00:57:17 UTC  

Italian gypsy unit

2018-08-06 00:57:35 UTC  

And there's no where within a 8 hour drive that is both cheap, and has utilities

2018-08-06 00:57:43 UTC  

Get your ass out

2018-08-06 00:58:01 UTC  

I like my state tyvm

2018-08-06 01:00:17 UTC  

$700 studio and minimum wage isn't livable sounds great

2018-08-06 01:12:38 UTC  

It's liveable if you live with other people lol

2018-08-06 01:12:52 UTC  

The prices used to be way down before californians started pouring in

2018-08-06 01:12:59 UTC  

The housing market is doomed to crash soon tho here

2018-08-06 01:13:16 UTC  

They overcompensated and now there's too many houses built/being built

2018-08-06 01:16:17 UTC  

I spend 90% of my days off outside, too. And here we have about the best variety you can get as far as the outdoors go.

2018-08-06 01:32:34 UTC  

Problem is living with people that aren't degenerates I'd imagine

2018-08-06 01:34:50 UTC  

Also mid america in the south seems to be pretty cheap at least not in the cities which is always a better option.

2018-08-06 02:31:23 UTC  

there are people out there with literally not enough skill or ability to get skills that eed to be able to work an 8 hour job and get enough money to pay rent and for necessities

2018-08-06 02:32:10 UTC  

others out there might want to go to school to learn something and pay for their own rent because they dont have anyone paying for their rend or food

2018-08-06 02:32:37 UTC  

in some countries this isnt an issue.. like norway or germany

2018-08-06 02:32:45 UTC  

but in the US, its vital

2018-08-06 05:09:19 UTC

2018-08-06 05:50:22 UTC  

Do you guys have any thoughts about YouTube Skeptics?

2018-08-06 06:02:09 UTC  

Youtube is not a myth

2018-08-06 07:48:33 UTC  

```Mai hare wuz blawn b4 dis shit, aight?```