Message from @Blaundee

Discord ID: 493623526809403392

2018-09-24 00:40:55 UTC  

i grew up on Asian foods

2018-09-24 00:41:00 UTC  

I’ve never heard of Dimsum...

2018-09-24 00:41:06 UTC  

and I have a VERY high standard of asian food

2018-09-24 00:41:27 UTC  

of ALL the restaurants in Toronto that serve authentic asian cuisine

2018-09-24 00:41:35 UTC  

there is only a select few that I can say is good

2018-09-24 00:41:39 UTC  

all the other, fucking crap

2018-09-24 00:47:18 UTC  

To be completely honest, I’m not actually sure if I’ve ever had authentic asian food. There is a place in Saint George that serves a number of Chinese and Vietnamese dishes, but I’ve only been there once. It was actually run by the family of a friend I did some CompSci with, but other than that, it’s all been fried rice, chicken balls, and Chao Mein.

I mean, I like all that stuff, but I heard a while ago that what’s passed off as Chinese or Asian foods in North America is a gross over-simplification of what the foods actually are, and that’s what the Maple Leaf Buffet is in Saint George.

2018-09-24 00:47:43 UTC  

I’ve never been to Asia, so I really wouldn’t know one way or the other I suppose

2018-09-24 00:49:09 UTC  


2018-09-24 00:49:25 UTC  

To some degree, gross over simplification

2018-09-24 00:49:33 UTC  

Explains it

2018-09-24 00:49:46 UTC  

But I would say its more westernized

2018-09-24 00:50:05 UTC  

The cuisine is changed a bit to something a little more familiar

2018-09-24 00:50:20 UTC  

Ever heard of California Rolls?

2018-09-24 00:50:23 UTC  

The sushi?

2018-09-24 00:50:29 UTC  

Fucking disgusting

2018-09-24 00:55:46 UTC  

I’ve had egg rolls, but I’ve never really even had sushi

2018-09-24 00:56:55 UTC  

I spend enough time around seaweed that absolutely reeks since I live on a beach, I do not need it in my gullet

2018-09-24 03:06:56 UTC Blandee fuck your food here some i want to try.

2018-09-24 03:23:05 UTC

2018-09-24 03:23:39 UTC

2018-09-24 03:57:09 UTC  


2018-09-24 12:48:20 UTC  


2018-09-24 13:47:22 UTC  

You know who I hate

2018-09-24 13:47:25 UTC  

Jim Sterling

2018-09-24 14:02:58 UTC  

idk who dat is

2018-09-24 14:03:08 UTC  

A game journalist

2018-09-24 14:03:58 UTC  

yup hate him already

2018-09-24 15:02:42 UTC  


2018-09-24 15:48:08 UTC  

From what I saw, Jim Stirling was pretty down-to-earth

2018-09-24 15:48:21 UTC  


2018-09-24 15:48:25 UTC  

Not much now

2018-09-24 15:54:46 UTC  


2018-09-24 16:32:19 UTC  

God defoliating is such a boring job

2018-09-24 16:39:07 UTC  

Shouldnt have put that matress there

2018-09-24 18:32:41 UTC  


2018-09-24 20:23:49 UTC  

so I got two xbox controllers

2018-09-24 21:01:07 UTC  


2018-09-24 21:10:12 UTC  
