Message from @MySatellite

Discord ID: 574353549744537631

2019-05-04 15:40:06 UTC  

Ah, Fallout 76...

2019-05-04 15:43:41 UTC  

Fallout 3 - Fun, but a terrible story.

Fallout: New Vegas - Fun, and an amazing story with absolutely tons of content and areas to explore and takes place in Southern Nevada with real world place names.

Fallout 4 - A settlement needs your help. Here, I'll mark it on your map.

Fallout 76 - Fallout 4, but multiplayer and even less content.

2019-05-04 15:45:27 UTC  

hi again

2019-05-04 15:46:29 UTC  

All around, the Fallout Franchise is actually quite awesome and iconic within the "Apocalyptic RPG" genre.

Fallout 1 and 2 were far more story driven than most of the other Fallout games.

2019-05-04 15:46:36 UTC  

And hi there!

2019-05-04 15:56:53 UTC  

Elder Scrolls is better

2019-05-04 15:57:06 UTC  

Morrowind is best.

2019-05-04 16:35:06 UTC  


2019-05-04 16:57:23 UTC  

Yeah, I love Morrowind. :B

2019-05-04 17:43:20 UTC  

I am tired

2019-05-04 19:31:44 UTC  

Mango Daifuku

2019-05-04 19:55:52 UTC  

looks like someone put an egg yolk in marmelade

2019-05-04 21:35:00 UTC  

@Repzion you bitch play Mordhau with me

2019-05-04 21:41:14 UTC  

what makes us get umbilical hernias and not other animals

2019-05-04 21:41:23 UTC  

or do they and i jus dont know

2019-05-04 21:42:12 UTC  

like i wonder why we havent found a better way to optimally close that spot so ppl stop havin issues with it even late into life

2019-05-04 21:42:35 UTC  

and its not like ppl have wierd traditions keeping it a certain way like circumsision

2019-05-04 21:47:18 UTC  

@Repzion No play it with me because Im actually good.

2019-05-04 21:48:53 UTC  

dogs can have umbilical hernias as well, so i figure dogs and us aren't the only animals that can have that happen @MySatellite

2019-05-04 21:55:57 UTC  

is that naturally or after humans snip it the same human way

2019-05-04 22:01:27 UTC  

some dog breeds seem to inherit it, like i think pekingese are predisposed to it.

2019-05-04 22:01:36 UTC  

but trauma can cause it too.

2019-05-04 22:02:09 UTC  

so i'd figure humans snippin' it our way would be a form of trauma.

2019-05-04 22:37:17 UTC  

Why you guys are talking about dogs?

2019-05-04 22:42:01 UTC  

why not

2019-05-04 23:35:17 UTC  

pekingese is a toy hyper domesticated dog, prolly less about the nature and more about inbreeding for 300 years

2019-05-05 00:49:44 UTC  

fuck u

2019-05-05 00:54:36 UTC  


2019-05-05 00:55:41 UTC  

tbh that's probably true. a lot of purebreds have problems. like english bulldogs, dachshunds, bull terriers...

2019-05-05 01:00:53 UTC

2019-05-05 05:02:30 UTC  

It really depends on the breed. Certain dogs were bred entirely differently than others. Some were definitely bred to show specific traits, which is the case that tends to cause the most issues. Because it leaves room for indiscriminate breeding if it gets you what you want. Other dogs were bred to say, have a job. Or do a specific task. So it's less about appearance, and more about intelligence and disposition. They tend to overall be healthier dogs. Say like Border Collies and other breeds bred to purely do a job. Border collies vary a LOT in how they can look. Hence why they have one of the most loose definitions in AKC. They also wouldnt recognize them until somewhat recently compared to many other breeds, in part because of that. But then you have dogs like pugs or certain kinds of chihuahuas, bred to have mishapen skulls in order to meet a standard. Their skulls are literally "squished". They have the same amount of bone in their heads as other dogs of the same size. It's pretty cruel. But there's a lot of push-back because of said cruelty. Anyway, sorry for being a bit long winded 😅

2019-05-05 05:06:20 UTC  

There is lot of misinformation about breeding, is all I mean to say. Selective breeding can just as easily be a good thing, as bad. It just depends on what the intent is behind it. So having purebred dogs isnt really "cruel". Unless someone bred them indiscriminately. Although shelter dogs are still the better option purely because we already have enough dogs to go around, and they need homes.

2019-05-05 05:08:06 UTC  

I also hate the narrative that shelter mutts are inherently more healthy. When that simply isnt true. A dog mixed with a bunch of unhealthy breeds could easily end up with quite a few negative defects from other breeds they are mixed with. A mutt =/= healthy. A healthy genetic line = healthy.

2019-05-05 05:11:28 UTC  

i learned a lot from this! thank you!

2019-05-05 06:11:44 UTC

2019-05-05 07:01:34 UTC  

@Farunel thanks for all the info, very helpful! that's why i brought up bull terriers. their skulls can 'cave in' for lack of a better term (it's 3am for me so i apologise) and dachshunds can experience very problematic sway back. but that's so true about mutts, i never understood that logic that they're more 'healthy'.

2019-05-05 07:02:38 UTC  

also, i adore border collies

2019-05-05 13:09:58 UTC  

i'll play with you tonight @Sir Aggie

2019-05-05 13:10:06 UTC  

school has been keeping me busy

2019-05-05 13:11:01 UTC  

Yeah me a group of buddies from the 12e have been playing it like a religion.