Message from @Howl

Discord ID: 628906653051387935

2019-10-02 10:44:29 UTC  

The other issue is the game is sorta buggy

2019-10-02 10:44:52 UTC  

I had a civil war and “Russia” pulled the Axis and Allies into the fight

2019-10-02 10:45:14 UTC  

I literally have every country outside of Axis as an enemy and an ally due to a weird fucking bug

2019-10-02 10:45:50 UTC  

The issue with that is Russia despite capitulating was still technically existent since the war was never ending

2019-10-02 10:46:16 UTC  

Thus I was unable to use any decisions that were restricted by being in a civil war

2019-10-02 10:46:29 UTC  

Even though they had capitulated...

2019-10-02 10:46:30 UTC  

Well, politics are huge. If you do anything that disrupts the predefined historical triggers which alter game stats to a point for accuracy, you'll run the game off course and it can get fucky from there.

I declared war on the german empire as france in 1910 and I immediately faced off the newly formed 3rd reich

2019-10-02 10:46:56 UTC  

Things got fucky.

2019-10-02 10:47:47 UTC  

Ever tried to play as democratic Japan

2019-10-02 10:48:10 UTC  

If I play the USSR, I have to wait for hitler to assault me in 41, otherwise I'm going to face off against the axis, and if I declare war, I'll generate world tension that'll actually push my allies away from me and they won't support me in the conflict.

2019-10-02 10:48:13 UTC  

I played as Japan, went Shogunate, then converted to democratic.

2019-10-02 10:48:31 UTC  

I completed the game without fighting a single war

2019-10-02 10:48:57 UTC  

I prefer to take the entire hemisphere under the hammer and sickle.

2019-10-02 10:49:06 UTC  

I literally jumped Japan 30 years into the future

2019-10-02 10:49:22 UTC  

Any who oppose me are crushed under my boots and treads.

2019-10-02 10:49:29 UTC  

Avoiding the atomic bombs and kawaii culture and directly started up Japanese capitalism

2019-10-02 10:49:52 UTC  

I mean

2019-10-02 10:50:13 UTC  

If it wasn't for Japan, I don't think girly boys or traps would be as popular as they are nowadays.

2019-10-02 10:50:17 UTC  

If it had been multiplayer I would have been on everyone’s good side.

2019-10-02 10:50:30 UTC  

I still would have taken your island.

2019-10-02 10:50:30 UTC  

I had plenty of resources

2019-10-02 10:50:41 UTC  


2019-10-02 10:50:55 UTC  

Due to being so reserved I had a bedrock solid defense force

2019-10-02 10:51:11 UTC  

I could invade all sides of your nation with my navy in 5 seconds

2019-10-02 10:51:43 UTC  

I had heavy land craft and very developed tanks despite being Japan

2019-10-02 10:52:06 UTC  

And I had over 1000 political power lol

2019-10-02 10:52:08 UTC  

Comrade. My planes will bomb you out of your shelters and my armored divisions are heavily supported and have extreme buffs. And without a commander, I can utilize full armies with minor debuffs, and field 80+ divisions per army.

2019-10-02 10:52:24 UTC  

Wrong again

2019-10-02 10:52:44 UTC  

You would be overwhelmed by elite shock troops.

2019-10-02 10:52:58 UTC  

I had maxed out divided industry and carrier based navy

2019-10-02 10:53:20 UTC  

***You can't attack moscow with a boat, comrade***

2019-10-02 10:53:36 UTC  

But you can attack Leningrad

2019-10-02 10:53:53 UTC  

And from there I could launch strategic bombers

2019-10-02 10:53:59 UTC  

I had atomic bombs lol

2019-10-02 10:54:02 UTC  

By the time you make halfway to moscow, I will have taken your entire little island. Say goodbye to tentacles, say hello to famine and work camps.

2019-10-02 10:54:17 UTC  

Wrong I had ample nukes

2019-10-02 10:54:34 UTC  

I could literally bomb every city in Russia twice over

2019-10-02 10:54:41 UTC  

You would still lose, comrade.

2019-10-02 10:54:48 UTC  

I started researching nuclear asap years ahead of time

2019-10-02 10:55:19 UTC  


2019-10-02 10:55:32 UTC  
