Message from @Local Doomguy

Discord ID: 632937797061443614

2019-10-13 13:11:46 UTC  


2019-10-13 13:11:52 UTC  

Strange Aeons

2019-10-13 13:11:55 UTC  

Lesbian Queen

2019-10-13 13:11:57 UTC  


2019-10-13 13:13:17 UTC  

Our Dark Queen who munches carpet with her perfect teeth.

2019-10-13 13:18:02 UTC  

Hey Steve

2019-10-13 13:21:47 UTC  

I am not Steve

2019-10-13 13:21:57 UTC  

I am heavy metal gender now

2019-10-13 13:22:05 UTC  

My new name is Styx Zadinia

2019-10-13 13:22:11 UTC  

lol okay

2019-10-13 13:22:40 UTC  

hey Styx

2019-10-13 13:25:00 UTC  


2019-10-13 13:25:08 UTC  

Dumb as a bunch of rocks

2019-10-13 13:28:17 UTC  

I caught up with Pearly,,,her move went well

2019-10-13 13:28:20 UTC  

your humor is as funny as a rock ag

2019-10-13 13:35:09 UTC  


2019-10-13 13:42:47 UTC  

God damnit

2019-10-13 13:43:18 UTC  

I got thr feeling that strange aeons was a but of a femininazi and mega gay so I stopped watching her

2019-10-13 13:45:09 UTC  

it really sucks when your friends get girlfriends and they stop spending time with you

2019-10-13 13:48:50 UTC  

You guys mind if I drop a review of Destiny 2?

2019-10-13 13:49:05 UTC  

Pictures and Videos

2019-10-13 13:49:09 UTC  

I’d like to see if I missed something

2019-10-13 13:49:16 UTC  

It’s a written review

2019-10-13 13:49:29 UTC  

Here is fine then.

2019-10-13 13:49:31 UTC  

@Local Doomguy sure its p good

2019-10-13 13:49:34 UTC  

I just got the base game, the first and second DLC for free. The next two DLC will cost a minimum of 75 dollars. I still feel scammed.

I’m just glad I waited rather than throw money at the game on launch.

-Excellent gunplay
-Good loot (as of time of writing)
-Heavy emphasis on Customization
-Relatively easy PvE missions and patrol
-MMO-like reputations and vendors
-RPG-style character creator and gear menu
-In-game menus for collecting and keeping track of gear, loot, ships, bounties, quests, and what you’ve gotten done.
-Solid PvP that even a filthy casual can get a 1.2 K/D ratio in.
-Khvostov returns

-Lackluster and bland story
-Unoriginal adjectives
-No in-game menu for lore, faction or character summaries.
-Numerous quality of life downgrades with vendors, patrol missions, bounties, and reputations.
-Vendors no longer sell weapons as they did in the previous game
-Re-used assets from first game
-Re-used starter mission from first game
-Re-used weapons from first game
-Re-used storyline from first game
-Microtransactions alongside paid DLC
-Cosmetic shaders can be a resource-sink
-Strikes and raids do not assign you to a squad
-Strikes and raids borderline impossible to do solo
-No offline mode
-Certain gear items time-locked behind events.
-No PvP practice mode against AI bots

2019-10-13 13:50:22 UTC  

Touched on the important shit, looks fine to me.

2019-10-13 13:50:30 UTC  


2019-10-13 13:51:23 UTC  

Destiny 2 was always the most soulless game I've played

2019-10-13 13:51:24 UTC  

No problemo.

2019-10-13 13:51:48 UTC  

Not as souless as warframe lmao

2019-10-13 13:53:27 UTC  

I love the destiny franchise, it’s got potential. Unfortunately, that’s all it has.

Now that Bungie cut itself off from Activision, I do hope they can pull it back from the depths of hell, but they’ve got a lot of work ahead of them.

2019-10-13 13:56:19 UTC  

The Shadowkeep DLC looks good, but I heard bad things about Forsaken and that’s 40 dollars of Scheiße between me and the whisper of quality.

2019-10-13 13:56:41 UTC  

Plus the 35 for the whisper of quality.

2019-10-13 14:01:13 UTC  

Bro it went ftp

2019-10-13 14:01:22 UTC  

I may plsy now lol

2019-10-13 14:01:41 UTC  

Dependingnon how the base game is I may pay for it but idk yet

2019-10-13 14:12:46 UTC  

Guys no matter what is going on in life you gotta try and look up as much as possible.

2019-10-13 14:32:11 UTC  

@xXNobleCXx thats a very photoshopable image you sent in <#286742216477638656> . 🤔

2019-10-13 14:34:14 UTC