Message from @Alexander the baby

Discord ID: 649108995860201483

2019-11-27 04:39:31 UTC  

Don’t expose my alt.

2019-11-27 04:39:33 UTC  

Which is you

2019-11-27 04:40:19 UTC  

okay but idk where exactly to put this but fuck onision

2019-11-27 04:40:29 UTC  

wait no

2019-11-27 04:40:37 UTC  

i'm not trying to fuck onision

2019-11-27 04:42:31 UTC  

Wait did his patreon get banned?

2019-11-27 04:42:34 UTC  

Oh shit

2019-11-27 04:42:36 UTC  

I think onision has fucked enough people.

2019-11-27 04:42:40 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:42:49 UTC  

That's good

2019-11-27 04:43:33 UTC  

I heard something about maybe he created a new one

2019-11-27 04:43:40 UTC  

But I didn’t get to finish the video

2019-11-27 04:43:42 UTC  

What the duck

2019-11-27 04:44:09 UTC  

Honestly like I hate giving him attention

2019-11-27 04:44:23 UTC  

But it’s no longer to like... just talk about it

2019-11-27 04:44:29 UTC  

I mean it’s onision. What did you expect. He was gonna take it lying down? He’s gonna throw a fucking fit and then try to make money from it.

2019-11-27 04:44:53 UTC  

But it’s to like... try to get him to not have a platform to hurt people

2019-11-27 04:45:03 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:45:06 UTC  

Actually hurt

2019-11-27 04:46:34 UTC  

The only way to really get him off the internet is to convict him. He’s a shit human but the one thing he has going for him is his persistence I guess.

2019-11-27 04:47:24 UTC  

True. But Chris Hansen has hit up the fbi so

2019-11-27 04:47:36 UTC  

Hopefully something legal happens

2019-11-27 04:48:06 UTC  

I mean at the end of the day we are all hoping for a conviction. For him *and* for kai.

2019-11-27 04:48:22 UTC  

They both deserve it.

2019-11-27 04:49:51 UTC  

Yes agreed. I think kai is more likely to have a case with the cp. But everyone is pointing at onision and kai’s crimes seem to be pushed to the back burner.

2019-11-27 04:50:55 UTC  

Not that they shouldn’t. But it’s just a harder case to actually get proof for. Unfortunately, he’s an excellently disgusting piece of shit.

2019-11-27 04:51:06 UTC  


2019-11-27 04:56:39 UTC  

Honestly I think there was a time that kai could have come out of this. Because I do to some degree view him as one of greg’s victims also. But honestly there comes a point where you realize “this is fucked”. And that happened long ago. And not only is he letting the grooming happen, he’s even pushing it further, finding more underage girls to join their relationship

2019-11-27 04:58:13 UTC  

So what I’m saying is, is that kai made it a lot easier for Greg to groom young girls. And regardless of the fact that kai was to some degree a victim of Greg’s, that doesn’t take the shit he did to Sarah or any other girls out there away.

2019-11-27 04:58:22 UTC  

And kai particpated

2019-11-27 05:00:00 UTC  

Kai is also fully involved and has groomed people on their own. Like Regina and Sarah. Kai *was* a victim. Kai is no longer a victim in my opinion. Kai saw what was happening and decided to help. Decided to learn how to. And decided to do it on their own. Kai is just as fucked as onion. Just not as good at it. They are sloppier. Which is why conviction would be easier.

2019-11-27 05:00:10 UTC  

Perpetrators can also be victims

2019-11-27 05:00:17 UTC  

In fact most of them have been at one point or another

2019-11-27 05:00:28 UTC  


2019-11-27 05:00:59 UTC  


2019-11-27 05:03:01 UTC  

And it is important to know what Greg did to kai, because that was fucked too, and can arguably be illegal due to the state line shit they pulled. But victims can choose to not abuse anyone else.

Sarah, Billie, Regina, Shiloh, sky, all of them have not abused anyone, as far as we are aware. So kai made his choice. And that was to become like his abuser and try to lure in more young girls for their awful actions.

2019-11-27 05:04:36 UTC  

Well yeah. They could be a case on human trafficking. But Iunno.

2019-11-27 05:04:51 UTC  

I’m not too familiar with laws on that kinda stuff.

2019-11-27 05:04:56 UTC  

Or laws in general

2019-11-27 05:04:57 UTC  

Yeah me neither

2019-11-27 05:05:22 UTC  

But I know that the shit kai pulled with Sarah... I’m honestly lowkey a little shocked he hasn’t been arrested